Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 07 September 2024

German Army Panorama: Vermestungs-Abt. 2., Rundbild Nr. 10 von der Beobachtungststelle Beobachterwaldchen 2 km nordostlich St. Mihiel, Aufgenommen am 30.8.1915 mit der 1m Kamera durch Trigonometer Eichelbaum der Verm.-Abt. 2. 62" long by 5" tall, photographically reproduced in sections from original plates with numerous locations identified, printed title to front (translation: Surveying Dept. 2., Circular image No. 10 from the Observerwaldchen observation point 2 km northeast of St. Mihiel, taken on August 30, 1915 with the 1m camera by the Eichelbaum trigonometer of the Verm.-Abt. 2.). Map to front cover identifying location of the camera & the range of view.  #67280
[HLMainPic] Superb, detailed & relatively early German panorama of the Champagne Front from St. Mihiel via Koeur-la-Graned, Mont-Meuse Fme., Hohe 317, Wald von Bislee & numerous other locations northwards to Parochies & Fme. Chantraine. A fine view from the German perspective, inc. the nature of the terrain, opposing trench lines, forts, villages, woods &c. Red ink stamp to front "Nur fur den Dienstgebrauch" [For official use only]. These rare surviving panoramas are some of the finest contemp. records of the nature of the Western Front trench lines as seen by the participants in events. Folded, VG. See illustrations on our website.   £250


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