Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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Indian Army   162 Books
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15th Lancers (Cureton's Multanis): Photographs of Regimental Jubilee Held At Dera Ismail Khan, 20th Decr. to 31st Decr. 1909. Large photograph album/regimental Jubilee souvenir, 375x280mm. The Regiment. 1911.  #64189
[HLMainPic] A quite superb regimental album containing 2pp. letterpress English translation of speech delivered by the Commandant at the regimental Durbar held on 27th Dec. 1909 followed by fine whole page (image size 250x205mm) plates of (i) Regiment in Mass, with Officers in Front; (ii) Regiment Marching Past; (iii) Regiment Marching Past (another view); (iv) 'C' Squadron Marching Past; (v) Durbar; (vi) Pensioners (group of Non-Commissioned Officers & Sowars); (vii) British & Native Officers Past & Present (complete with named caption below); (viii) British & Native Officers (1909, complete with named caption below); (ix) 'A' Squadron in Full Dress (British & Indian Officers identified); (x) 'B' Squadron, Field Service Marching Order (British & Indian Officers identified); (xi) 'C' Squadron, Hot Weather Full Dress (British & Indian Officers identified); (xii) 'D' Squadron, Plain Clothes (British & Indian Officers identified); (xiii) Regimental Staff (British & Indian Officers identified); (xiv) Recruit & Remount Staff (British & Indian Officers identified); (xv) Recruits (British & Indian Officers identified); (xvi) Kot Dafadars (all identified); (xvii) Types of Regiment; (xviii) Types of Regiment (other than in plate xvii); (xviii) Mutiny Veterans (150x184mm: four men, wearing medals, identified by name). (xix) Colonel D.G.L. Shaw, Commandant (210x147mm, mounted); (xx-xxxi) Named portraits of 12 British Officers, each 138x102mm, in full dress, wearing medals. The photographic quality of all the images is incredibly fine, as is the whole album, which is bound in full straight-grain cushioned green morocco, regimental crest in gilt to front, ruled edges, decorative endpapers, the title page in illuminated manuscript, this example with presentation inscrip. "To George H.N. Ricketts. Esq. C.B. From the Officers of the Regiment in Commemoration of its Jubilee" together with the recipient's armorial bookplate to front paste-down, tipped-in ms. letter from Lt.-Col. H.M. Johnston: "My dear Mr Ricketts, I send you herewith, on Behalf of the Regiment, a Book of the Regimental Jubilee Photographs, which we hope you will accept as a token of appreciation for your generous support on the occasion of the Jubilee of the Regiment: you will very shortly have Henry back with you, and I hope you will find him as fit and well as I think he is. He is the greatest assistance to me, and I shall miss him." Note: 'Henry' was Major H.C. Ricketts, of the 15th Lancers, whose portrait appears within the album. Also a loosely inserted paste-board invitation to Mr Ricketts to the Jubilee, with concise Programme of Jubilee week events printed on the reverse. The album is a sumptuous production of exceptional quality which was presumably produced in a very small number for the British Officers & their families. Not in Perkins. Fine example & self-evidently rare. See illustrations on our website.   £3000
A Happy Family: Story of the Twentieth Indian Division April 1942-August 1945. Orig. dec. wraps., 52pp., photos. throughout, fldg. map. Bombay: DPR, WD. nd (1945)  #67668
[HLMainPic] The only history of the division's exploits in Burma inc. Battle of Imphal & reconquest of Burma. Orig. dec. wraps., little rubbed, VG. See illustration on our website.   £30
BRINDJAP: British & Indian Troops, Japan. Foreword by Gen. D.T. 'Punch' Cowan, GOC. 1st Ed., 56pp., photos. throughout. Bombay: G.S. Borker for DPR. nd (c.1946).  #67648
[HLMainPic] Contemp. official 'souvenir' booklet of British & Indian occupation forces in Japan. Contains summary of their 'mission' & short histories of each formation & unit employed (with much on their recent experiences in Burma), each with a portrait of the CO, biogs. & portraits of fourteen Force HQ officers, details of supporting units (RA, RASC, WASB &c.). VG. See illustrations on our website.   £45
Dagger Division: Story of the 19th Indian Division. Orig. dec. wraps., 44pp., photos. throughout, fldg. map. Bombay: DPR, WD. nd (c.1945)  #64533
[HLMainPic] The only history of the division's exploits in Burma 1944-45 inc. Irrawaddy Crossing, capture of Fort Dufferin, Mandalay &c. VG. See illustration on our website.   £35
Division of the Chief of Staff. Army Headquarters. Mobilisation Branch. Case No. 672. Field Operations - Zakka Khel, 1908. Bazar Valley Field Force. From - 31st January 1908. To - 10th March 1908. 1st Ed., orig. printed paper covd. boards with cloth backstrip, 28pp. (Index to Correspondence) + 8pp. (Despatch Register) + 134pp. (Correspondence), foolscap format. Govt. of India Central Printing Office. 3rd April 1908.  #65147
[HLMainPic] Exceptionally rare CONFIDENTIAL report on aspects of the planning & execution of the operations against the Zakka Khel Afridis in 1908. Just 30 copies printed. The report/correspondence concerns the intense period of planning, build-up & mobilisation of the force, Orders of Battle & various details of staff appointments, &c., Scheme for Operations Against the Zakka Khel (much detail on the geographical conditions of the area of the impending operations), reports on the progress of troops & telegrams regarding the progress of the campaign during its most important period, up to 10th March 1908, all from original reproduced correspondence &c. An invaluable resource for a serious in-depth study of this particular campaign & also of the nature of preparations for any NWF expedition, from operational organisation & planning to logistical & medical needs, &c. Orig. printed paper covd. boards with cloth backstrip, heavily wormed, formerly dilapidated but professionally recased, VG this & housed in a fine fitted drop-side box with gilt title to sp. See illustrations on our website.   £900
General Rules for the Guidance of the Establishment of the Small Arms Ammunition Factory, Kirkee. 1883. 1st Ed., [ii]+30pp. Bombay: Printed at the Education Society's Press, Byculla. 1883  #66906
[HLMainPic] Listing the various Departments, rules for Storekeepers, Gatekeepers, Rules to be observed in case of Fire, &c. Contemp. ownership inscrip. of T.R.A.G. Montgomery, Lieut., Bombay Staff Corps. Note: Thomas Roger Arundel Gayer Montgomery was born 1857, commissioned 1878 Cheshire Regt., transferred to IA 1880, Capt. 1889 Commissariat Dept., retired as Major, 1902. Contemp. blue straight grain morocco, VG. Se illustration on our website.   £50
Government of India. Army Department. Dress Regulations (India) 1931 (Reprint 1942) (Incorporating Amendments up to & including Amendment No. 90 of December 1941). Orig. printed wraps., [ii]+v+140pp. Delhi: Manager of Pubns. 1942  #65773
[HLMainPic] Details of dress & uniform, colours of armlets of various HQs, branches & appointments, regimental distinctions & idiosyncracies, badges & devices, mess dress & forage caps, &c. Very scarce WW2 era edition (2000 copies printed). Around 20 Amendment slips dated between 1934-1941 loosely inserted. Nice clean copy. See illustration on our website.   £145
Government of India. Army Department. Dress Regulations (India). 1931. Orig. printed paper covd. boards, [vii]+124pp. Calcutta: Govt. of India Central Publications Branch. 1932  #66191
[HLMainPic] Details of dress & uniform, distinctions &c. for all arms (infantry, cavalry, various corps, bodyguards, staff &c.). Orig. printed paper covd. boards, VG with several loosely inserted Amendment slips. See illustration on our website.   £125
Harts Army List: The New Annual Army List, Militia List & Indian Civil Service List for 1870. Containing the Dates of Commissions & A Statement of the War Services & Wounds of nearly every Officer in the Army, Ordnance, Marines & Indian Staff Corps. Corrected to 31st December 1869. With an Index. Later rexine binding, gilt, VG thus. See illustration on our website.  #64420
[HLMainPic]   £60
Harts Army List: The New Annual Army List, Militia List & Yeomanry Cavalry List for 1898. Containing the Dates of Commissions & A Summary of the War Services of nearly every Officer in the Army, Supply &c. Departments, Marines & Indian Staff Corps & Indian Local Forces. Corrected to 31st December 1897. With an Index. Text block sound, boards remain attached but weak hinges, sp. strip loosely inserted. Useful reference but requires repair. See illustration on our website.  #64422
[HLMainPic]   £30

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