Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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The First World War The First World War, Personal memoirs of soldiers of all nations on all fronts, anthologies, literature and fiction, history and analysis   742 Books
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The Last Lap. By "G," with Preface by E.B.O. 1st Ed., 141pp. VG in chipped dw. Melrose. 1917  #64745
[HLMainPic] Reproduction from the Morning Post of the observations on the Western Front of one who "has served as a war correspondent in many parts of the world & seen the evolution of modern methods with his own eyes." This work is an exhortation to further effort to complete the job, with Victory in sight. Includes chapters on Our Infantry: the then recent Battle of Messines: German Man-Power; The German Moral &c. Interesting & scarce. I believe 'E.B.O.' to be E.B. Osborn, journalist & another writer on military matters, while the identity of 'G' remains elusive to me. Orig. blue cloth, titled in paler blue, VG in chipped dw. Scarce thus. See illustration on our website.   £75
Diary of H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth, January-May 1915. 1st Ed., 50pp., 20 photos. Printed by permission of the Admiralty "for Private Circulation to Officers & Men." 1919  #65900
[HLMainPic] Day-to-day record of battleship "Big Lizzie" in the Dardanelles; covering landings at W Beach, bombardments &c., with rolls of officers & awards & also Log of Trawler 448. Orig. blue cloth, gilt, a littled rubbed, VG. Rare. See illustration on our website.   £145
The Jullundur Brigade in France & Flanders 1914-1915. 1st Ed., orig. dec. laminated card wraps., [ii]+64pp., num. photos., 3 maps. New Delhi: Kraftwerk Print & Design [for the Brigade Association]. nd (c.1990)  #67210
[HLMainPic] The 8th Bde. of the Lahore Division consisted of the 1st Bn. Manchester Regt., 47th Sikhs & 59th Scinde Rifles. A useful concise illustrated account of their active service in France & Flanders, plus chronology, regimental notes &c. VG & uncommon. See illustration on our website.   £35
The Letters of Major Henry Bentinck, Coldstream Guards. 1st Ed., vi+138pp., portrait frontis., 3 plates. VG in sl. chipped dw. Robert Scott. 1919  #65201
[HLMainPic] Henry Duncan Bentinck was ed. at Harrow & Trinity College, Cambridge. Commissioned Coldstream Guards in 1903, served in Egypt/Sudan 1903-1911 & 1913-1915 (with XII Sudanese). He joined the 2nd Coldstream in France in April 1915 & Died of Wounds on 2/10/1916, of wounds received on the Somme. Contains a memoir & his letters including those from France April 1915-Sept. 1916. Of interest for life in trenches, Guards characters, &c. Orig. red cloth, VG in sl. chipped dw & scarce, especially in dw. See illustrations on our website.   £175
Letters from Flanders written by 2nd Lieut. A.D. Gillespie Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders to his Home People. 3rd Ed., with an Appendix, xvi+326pp., portrait frontis., 2 other portraits. Smith, Elder. 1916  #65190
[HLMainPic] Alexander Douglas Gillespie was Ed. at Winchester & New College, Oxford, commissioned in the 4th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders & went to the Front in Feb. 1915. He was killed in action on 26th September 1915 with the 2nd Bn. near La Bassée, during the Battle of Loos (his only brother, Thomas Cunningham Gillespie, 2nd Battalion King's Own Scottish Borderers, had been killed near the same place on 18th October 1914). A.D.G. was twenty-six and is commemorated on the Loos Memorial. Contains one long letter from T.C.G. dated 16th October 1914, relating recent experiences in action etc. Almost all the book comprises A.D.G.'s lengthy letters from the Front, February 1915 onwards, describing life in trenches and billets, from the antagonistic activities of the Germans opposite to the habits of Sonia the cat that shared their trenches (and her kittens), changing conditions of warfare (issue of respirators etc.), curious rumours (streams poisoned with arsenic; booby-trapped corpses) and much more. Orig. red cloth, gilt, minor wear, VG. See illustration on our website.   £120
Rhenish Prussia & Birkenfeld. 1st Ed., orig. printed wraps., iv+84pp., fldg. map in endpocket. HMSO. April 1919  #63768
[HLMainPic] CONFIDENTIAL. No. 33 in a series of Handbooks Prepared under the Direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office, containing notes on the Geography, Political History, Social & Political Conditions & Economic Conditions of these territories. Orig. grey printed wraps., VG. See illustration on our website.   £125
Who's Who in the British War Mission to the United States of America 1917. Chairman Viscount Northcliffe. 1st Ed., 55pp., lge. fldg. chart. NY: Clode. 1917  #65166
[HLMainPic] Biogs. of members (many military officers &c.) & detailed guide to the objects of the Mission. VG with typed note "With Lord Northcliffes Compliments" on the headed notepaper of the Mission. See illustration on our website.   £35
Diary of an Officer of "U.C. 26." May 1917. 1st Ed., orig. blue printed paper wraps., 4pp., foolscap. Admiralty War Staff, Intelligence Division. May 1917  #61756
[HLMainPic] I.D. 1156. For Official Use Only. Translation of the diary of Leutnant D. Reserve (or Sub.-Lt. of the Reserve) Heinrich Petersen, second-in-command of submarine U.C. 26, 30 April 1917 [leaving Bruges] until 7th May 1917, detailing operations in the English Channel during these few days. They found a gap in the RN barrage on 1st May & steered for Havre. The submarine laid mines & sank a Norwegian steamer by torpedo, but U.C. 26 was herself sunk on 9th May. Detailed diary of a week at sea. VG & rare. See illustration on our website.   £95
Ypres 1914: An Official Account Published by Order of the German General Staff. Translated by G.C.W[ynne]. 1st Eng. Ed., xxiv+136pp., 7 sketch maps. Constable. 1919  #61010
[HLMainPic] Translation of the German official account of 1st Ypres. Intro. & notes by the Historical Section (Military Branch), Committee of Imperial Defence. Orig. blue cloth, little marked, VG. See illustration on our website.   £45
Noel Ross & His Work. Ed. by His Parents. 1st Ed., xiv+210pp., portrait frontis. Edward Arnold. 1919  #63238
[HLMainPic] Noël Ross was born at Dunedin, New Zealand, & Ed. at the Terrace School, Wellington & Christ College, Christchurch. He joined the staff of a New Zealand newspaper & later wrote for The Times & Punch. He enlisted in the ranks of the Canterbury Rifles & served at Gallipoli where he was severely wounded by a shell at Anzac Cove. He was discharged, but reaching London obtained a commission in the Royal Artillery. He was still unfit, however, and medically boarded. He died of illness in England on 19th December 1917. Contains a memoir including details of his military service and examples of his prose including an account of the landing at Gallipoli written for The Times. Orig. green cloth, gilt, VG & scarce. See illustration on our website   £145

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