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Army Regulations India. Vol. VII: Dress.
Government of India, Military Dept., 1913 [Reprinted December 1919.] [x]+96pp. (+ blank interleaves) Calcutta: Supt. of Govt. Printing.
Dress Regs. for all branches of the IA inc. the Staff, Bodyguards, ADCs &c., Cavalry & Lancers, Corps of Guides, Mountain Artillery, S&M, Infantry (distinguishing those regiments dressed in Scarlet, Green or Drab), PFF, IMS & other corps. Appendices in this edition include: Badges & Devices; Care & preservation of Uniform; Buttons & Lace; Revolver; Swords & Scabbards; Belts & Sword, Knot; Shoulder chains for officers of Cavalry & Royal Horse Artillery, &c. Orig. official red cloth binding, gilt to front & sp., trace of old labels removed from sp., o/w VG ex-RUSI. Rare. See illustration on our website.
Government of India. Army Department. Dress Regulations (India) 1931 (Reprint 1942) (Incorporating Amendments up to & including Amendment No. 90 of December 1941).
Orig. printed wraps., [ii]+v+140pp. Delhi: Manager of Pubns.
Details of dress & uniform, colours of armlets of various HQs, branches & appointments, regimental distinctions & idiosyncracies, badges & devices, mess dress & forage caps, &c. Very scarce WW2 era edition (2000 copies printed). Around 20 Amendment slips dated between 1934-1941 loosely inserted. Nice clean copy. See illustration on our website.
The Indian Army List July 1937 [bound together with:] October 1937
Issued quarterly. Contains both King's & Viceroy's commissioned officers of regular & auxiliary Indian Army units, IARO, Gradation & regimental listings (latter including British regiments then in India). Index. Contemp. half brown cloth gilt, VG & scarce. See illustration on our website.
Regulations for the Army in India.
Reprint of Provisional Issue, 1st July 1937 (With Corrections issued up to April 1940.) Orig. printed paper covd. boards, [ii]+xiii+380pp. Published by Manager of Publications, Delhi. Printed by Manager, Govt. of India Press, Calcutta.
Detailed regulations re training & discipline, duties & appointments of British Officers, BORs, Indian officers, &c. Also General Duties, training, &c. Orig. printed paper covd. boards, VG with num. tipped-in amendments, ink annotations &c. See illustration on our website.
Ninth Report from The Select Committee Appointed to Take into Consideration The State of the Administration of Justice in the Provinces of Bengal, Nahar, & Orissa.
1st Ed., [ii]+128pp. Printed for J. Debrett.
Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons "instructed to consider how the British Possessions in the East Indies may be held & governed with the greatest Security & Advantage to this Country, & by what Means the Happiness of the Native Inhabitants may be best promoted." A critical report on the East India Company's Affairs in India; Effect on the Revenue Investment of the Company; various trades inc. Raw Silk, Cloth, Opium, Salt, Saltpetre &c. Rare contemp. & detailed study. Later half calf, leaves trimmed, text complete. See illustrations on our website.
The India List & India Office List 1897.
581pp. + prelims., adverts &c., fldg. map. Printed by Harrison & Sons.
Official Listings of the Police, Forestry, Marine Dept., Punjab Commission, Public Works, Ecclesiastical, Judiciary &c., &c., also services of officers & the official regulations for the various departments. Modern red cloth, gilt, VG. See illustration on our website.
Official History of Operations on the North-West Frontier of India 1920-1935. Three parts: Part I, Operations from the Dispersal of the Derajat Column in May 1920 till the commencement of the Red Shirt Movement in 1930. Part II, The Afridi & Red Shirt Rebellion 1930-1931, The Mohmand & Bajaur Operations 1931. Part III, The Loe Agra Campaign 1935. The Mohmand Campaign 1935.
1st Ed., viii+260pp., 2 col. & 18 b/w illus., 26 fldg. maps. Delhi: Govt. of India Press.
Full & detailed accounts of air & ground operations. Orders of Battle &c. Orig. red cloth, spine untitled, customary wear, generally VG but please note fldg. maps from endpocket are absent, indeed there is no sign that the pocket was ever present in this example. All the bound-in maps/plates are present (together with one uncalled for map (Sketch Map of Tribal Areas). One of 750 copies & seemingly a low survival rate as it is very scarce indeed. See illustrations on our website.
Administration Report of the North West Frontier Province 1931-1932.
1st Ed., [iv]+v+79+iiipp. Printed & Published by the Manager, Govt. Stationery & Printing, North-West Frontier Province, Pehawar.
This edition includes notes on Frontier Affairs for the year under review (which includes the Afridi Red Shirt rebellion, &c.), notes on Political matters, Crime & Border Defence, Police, Frontier Constabulary, Levies, Jails, &c. Also sections on protection, public health, land administration &c. Orig. printed paper covd. boards with green cloth backstrip, near fine & rare (130 copies printed). See illustration on our website.
General Rules for the Guidance of the Establishment of the Small Arms Ammunition Factory, Kirkee. 1883.
1st Ed., [ii]+30pp. Bombay: Printed at the Education Society's Press, Byculla.
Listing the various Departments, rules for Storekeepers, Gatekeepers, Rules to be observed in case of Fire, &c. Contemp. ownership inscrip. of T.R.A.G. Montgomery, Lieut., Bombay Staff Corps. Note: Thomas Roger Arundel Gayer Montgomery was born 1857, commissioned 1878 Cheshire Regt., transferred to IA 1880, Capt. 1889 Commissariat Dept., retired as Major, 1902. Contemp. blue straight grain morocco, VG. Se illustration on our website.
Operations in Waziristan 1919-1920.
Compiled by the General Staff, Army Headquarters, India. 1st Ed., x+187pp., 31 plates (many fldg.), 8 fldg. panoramas, 3 fldg. maps in text, 3 fldg. maps in end-pocket. Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing.
The scarce CONFIDENTIAL official account (including operations 1860-1920, with considerable detail on the little-known 1917 campaign) with valuable orders of battle &c. Individually numbered "Serial No. 301" but total no. produced is unknown to us. Orig. three-qtr. calf, green cloth, claret sp labels, gilt, the leather a little rubbed, stained & worn as always but overall VG, good copy & complete, with contemp. ink ownership inscrip. of "J.C.R. Gannon Major AMS Personal to C in C." (Note: Gannon appointed AMS [Personal] to Lord Rawlinson of Trent, 21/11/1920. He served in the Waziristan Campaign & was Mentioned in Despatches). See illustration on our website.
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