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Zulu War   22 Books
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Wyld's Military Sketch Map (aka Military Staff Map) of Zulu Land, Transvaal, & The Adjoining Territories. Fldg. coloured map, 53x73 cm approx., printed on paper, cut into 20 compartments & laid down on linen, retained in orig. publisher's cloth with paper label to front, short catalogue of other atlases & maps available from the publisher to inside cover & top fold. James Wyld, Geographer to the Queen. 1879  #62141
[HLMainPic] Superbly detailed map with hand-coloured detail, approx. 10 miles to 1 inch, principally Zulu Land & the Transvaal, together with portions of the OFS, Natal & Portuguese possessions in East Africa. All important townships & geographical features clearly shown, as also state boundaries &c., in addition to which are shown "Position of the British Advancing Columns, Jan. 11th 1879" i.e. the Right Column under Col. Pearson; the Right Centre Column (Col. Durnford); the Left Centre Column (Col. Glyn) & Headquarters of Left Column (Col. Wood) near Utrecht, the location of Roeke's Drift & the Battle of Isandlwana, 22nd Jan. 1879, &c. The publisher was the premier cartographer in London at the time. Attractive map in excellent clean condition, VG throughout. See illustrations on our website.   £600
ANGLESEY (Marquess of) A History of the British Cavalry 1816-1919. Vol. III: 1872-1898. 1st Ed., 478pp., 61 illus., 18 maps. VG in dw. Cooper. 1982  #64386
[HLMainPic] The now standard history of British Cavalry, this vol. includes Zulu & Transvaal Wars, 2nd Afghan Wars, Egypt & the Sudan, &c. VG in dw. See illustration on our website.   £35
ATKINSON (C.T.) The South Wales Borderers 24th Foot 1689-1937. 1st Ed., deluxe version, [xxii]+601pp., 52 plates & sketch maps (some col.), illus. in text & 4 fldg. maps + ep maps. Cambridge Univ. Press for the Regt. 1937  #67197
[HLMainPic] Excellent history & very well illustrated (inc. uniform plates, battle paintings, sketches &c.). Includes Peninsula War, 2nd Sikh War, Indian Mutiny, Zulu & Boer War, WW1 &c. Much detail on Isandhlwana & Rorke's Drift, with maps & plates. Officers' service roll. Handsome deluxe binding, full green morocco, gilt title to sp. & regimental devices to sp. & front, VG throughout, nice copy. See illustration on our website.   £165
BUCHAN (John) The History of the Royal Scots Fusiliers (1678-1918). 1st Ed., xvi+502pp., 12 plates, 36 maps (some fldg.). Nelson. 1925  #65590
[HLMainPic] Includes Marlborough's Wars, Napoleonic, Crimea, Zulu, Trasvaal, 2nd Boer & First World Wars. Orig. red cloth, gilt, somewhat worn, sound. Signed in pencil by Sam Warnock, father of Robert Warnock who won the MC & was killed on the Somme with the 7th (S) Bn. (& who is the subject of a memorial volume: "Robert Warnock: Scout & Soldier" [1917]). Loosely inserted contemp. notices of his MC & death. See illustration on our website.   £75
CLEMENTS (W.H.) The Glamour & Tragedy of the Zulu War. 1st Ed., xxiii+348pp., 18 photos. Bodley Head. 1936  #64306
[HLMainPic] Clements arrived in SA towards the conclusion of the campaign & joined the Natal Mounted Police; he became fascinated by the war that he had just missed, visited the battlefields often & "met & conversed for hours on end with men who had fought throughout the Zulu War." He had innumerable discussions over the years with protagonists on both sides: "Consequently I feel I can claim to have been afforded unique opportunities of relating the story... in greater detail & with more regard for strict accuracy than has characterised previous versions..." Raugh (Anglo-Zulu War 1879, A Selected Bibliography) 35: "One of the earliest books on the 1879 Anglo-Zulu War as a whole, this is a somewhat romanticized version of the conflict... [the author] claimed to have discussed the Anglo-Zulu War with John Dunn & Dabulamanzi." Just 8 copies on Library Hub (formerly COPAC). Orig. plum cloth, sp. sunned, dampspotting to sides, sound thus & rare in any state. See illustration on our website.   £145
Command paper. [C.-2374] Further Correspondence Respecting The Affairs of South Africa. (In Continuation of [C.-2367] of July 1879). Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, July, 1879. 1st Ed., v+149pp. Printed by Eyre & Spottiswoode for HMSO. 1879  #64320
[HLMainPic] Fine series of correspondence between SA & War Office, Admiralty &c. in London with customary detailed Table of Contents. Raugh (p.479) states: "Correspondents include: Sir Garnet Wolseley, Sir H.B.E. Frere, Sir H. Bulwer. Includes: Series of Zulu papers; report from Brigadier-General Wood; correspondence with Bishop Colenso on assault on David Smith by the Zulu; attempts of Cetshwayo to obtain assistance of other chiefs against the British; reports from border agents & magistrates on raids into Zululand; Lord Chelmsford on progress of war & overtures for peace by Cetshwayo; death of the Prince Imperial." Excellent source material & rare, orig. wraps. replaced with modern plain blue paper wraps., VG thus. See illustration on our website.   £225
Command paper. [C.-2676] Further Correspondence Respecting The Affairs of South Africa. (In Continuation of [C.-2355] of August 1880). Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, August 1880. 1st Ed., iii+74pp., lge. fldg. col. map of Natal, lge. fldg. col. map of Isandhlwana. Printed by Eyre & Spottiswoode for HMSO. 1880  #64321
[HLMainPic] Fine series of correspondence between SA & War Office, Admiralty &c. in London with customary detailed Table of Contents. Raugh (p.480) states: "Includes: Legislative Council Request for granting of responsible government; representation by Aborigines' Protection Society on indenturing of Natives to the colonists as part of the war settlement; steps taken by Natal to provide for its defence; correspondence on the burial of the dead at Isandlwana, with plan; fold map of Natal with good detail of defence posts, laagers, townships, mission stations, bridges, roads, railways, telegraphs, distances between towns." Excellent source material & rare, orig. blue printed wraps., rear cover with archival repair, ink stamp to front, else VG with loosely inserted amended table of contents. See illustrations on our website.   £225
Command paper. [C.-4980] Zululand. Further Correspondence Respecting The Affairs of Zululand & Adjacent Territories. (In Continuation of [C.-4913] February 1887). Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, February 1887. 1st Ed., xii+193pp., lge. fldg. col. map of Zululand. Printed by Eyre & Spottiswoode for HMSO. 1887  #64322
[HLMainPic] Fine series of correspondence between SA & War Office, Admiralty &c. in London with customary detailed Table of Contents. Much correspondence re the current settlement of Zululand, &c. Excellent source material & rare, orig. blue printed wraps., chipped & worn, sound. See illustrations on our website.   £175
DURNFORD (Lt.-Col. E.) A Soldier's Life & Work in South Africa, 1872-1879. A Memoir of the Late Colonel A.W. Durnford, Royal Engineers. 1st Ed., xvii+406pp., real photo. portrait frontis., fldg. map. Sampson, Low, Marston et al. 1882  #62128
[HLMainPic] Anthony William Durnford (1830-1879) was commissioned in the Royal Engineers in 1848. He arrived in South Africa in 1872, was in action at Bushman's River in pursuit of Langalibalele in 1873 when he received two assegai wounds, but managed to shoot two of his assailants & extricate himself. By 1878 he was senior RE officer at the Cape & served with the Boundary Commission to establish the disputed border between the Transvaal & Zululand. In the same year he formed the Natal Native Contingent & at the outbreak of the Zulu War commanded a column in Chelmsford's invasion of Zululand. On 22nd January 1879 he moved out of the Rorke's Drift encampment to Isandhlwana where he was killed in action during the epic battle. His participation in the Zulu war has resulted in much discussion as to whether he should have stayed in Rorke's Drift, which would then have been better defended, or whether his decision to move forward considerably altered the nature of the battle at Isandhlwana. This work, prepared for publication by his brother, contains a full account of his services & work in South Africa & is considered to be a very important work on the Zulu War of 1879 & events leading up to it. "This is an attempt to rehabilitate the reputation of Colonel Durnford (composed by his brother), who was blamed for the disaster at Isandlwana... Colonel Anthony Durnford's actions did, however, contribute to the debacle." - Raugh [2846]. Orig. dec. red cloth, lightly worn but overall VG but for small abrasion to front-paste-down wearing through to the fabric of the binding, possibly caused by removal of a small round sticker or similar, & of no great significance. Rare, complete with one tipped-in errata slip. See illustrations on our website.   £1200
EVERETT (Maj.-Gen. Sir H.) The History of the Somerset Light Infantry 1685-1914. 1st Ed., xvi+421pp., 17 plates, 22 maps. Methuen. 1934  #63653
[HLMainPic] Detailed history inc. Napoleonic Wars, First Afghan, Indian Mutiny, Zulu & Boer Wars &c. Orig three-qtr. morocco, gilt, VG with pencil ownership inscrip. of G.H.A. Couchman (noted in the text as Mentioned in Despatches for operations In Burma in 1887 & commanded the 2nd Bn. 1906-1909). See illustration on our website.   £65

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