Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

WALKER (G.A. Cooper) The Book of the Seventh Service Battalion The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers from Tipperary to Ypres. 1st Ed., xvi+141pp., portrait frontis., 24 photos. (inc. named group of officers &c.), 2 maps, diagram (Battalion Cemetery at Philosophe East). Dublin: Brindley "For Private Circulation Only." 1920  #60798
[HLMainPic] Raising & services on the Western Front 1916-17 "compiled from the War Diary, Battalion orders, records & personal memoirs... To enliven the monotony [sic] of mere history I have inserted a few anecdotes & humorous stories..." Includes Somme, 3rd Ypres &c. with 16th (Irish) Division. At the end of August 1917 the bn. was amalgamated with the remains of the 8th (S) Bn., due to heavy losses on 16th August in the attack on the Langemarck-Gheluvelt line. Inscribed by the author (who was Bn. Signalling Officer throughout its existence): "To Mary Whittaker. With the author's compliments. G.A. Cooper Walker August 1943" with a small cut-out photo. alongside, presumably Walker. Roll of Hon. Orig. dec. green cloth, gilt, minor wear, VG & very scarce. See illustration on our website.   £125


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