Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

SUTHERLAND (Capt. D., MC, TD) War Diary of the Fifth Seaforth Highlanders, 51st (Highland) Division. 1st Ed., xi+180pp., 9 portraits, map. John Lane (On Active Service series). 1920  #61313
[HLMainPic] Western Front 1915-18 with 51st (Highland) Div. & this account is based on the unit's war diary as well as the author's private diary as Signal Officer of the 152nd Infantry Brigade &c., awarded MC & bar. "Captain Sutherland's book is... more than a mere Regimental or even Divisional Record, for he has added a really human interest to his narrative by the introduction of just the right amount of incident, & by his own keen & intelligent interest in the fortunes of his Battalion." Awards roll. Orig. blue cloth, gilt, VG with presentation inscription from the author: "To Colonel H.J. Kinghorn C.B. with compliments from the Author. D. Sutherland, Capt., Wick, 7.11.35." See illustration on our website.   £95


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