Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

SHEPHERD (Surgeon-Major P., MB) First Aid to the Injured. St. John Ambulance Association. Compiled For The Instruction of the Troops in Zululand, by The Late Surgeon-Major P. Shepherd, M.B., Shortly Before His Death at Isanula, January 22, 1879. Revised for the use of St. J.A.A. pupils. Fldg. paste-board, 4pp., 136x86 mm, containind in printed envelope. St. John's Ambulance Assoc.  #62143
[HLMainPic] Shepherd was attached to the 24th Regiment for the Zulu War & was in the advance with Glyn's column to Isandlwana & the ensuing disaster, during the escape from which he was fatally speared by an assegai. The website of the museum of the St. J.A.A. records that: "In the early days of the St John Ambulance Association, Surgeon Major Peter Shepherd produced a First Aid Manual to assist the Metropolitan Police and those receiving first aid training. 'Aids for Cases of Injuries or Sudden Illness', was first published in 1878. The St John Ambulance Association, which provided first aid training, had been established one year earlier in 1877. The manual was created to satisfy the desire of the general public to learn first aid and study for examinations." The author evidently penned the booklet subsequently revised (as offered here) for the St. J.A.A. on the voyage to South Africa in Nov. 1878, or soon after his arrival there. It contains details on how to contain bleeding, deal with broken bones, stretcher drill & various general ailments which ranges from sore feet to drunkenness ("An Emetic of a teaspoon of mustard in water & douch the head with cold water.") An unusual survival, VG & complete with issue envelope in similar state. Small printed note to front: Reference No. 61. See illustrations on our website.   £225


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