Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

NICOLSON (Capt. Nigel, MBE) & FORBES (P.) The Grenadier Guards in the War of 1939-45. Vol. I, The Campaigns in North-West Europe; Vol. II, The Mediterranean Campaigns. 1st Ed., 2 Vols., xvi+256+xix & xi+323+xixpp., 41 plates, 55 maps (some fldg.). Aldershot: G&P. 1949  #62790
[HLMainPic] Including BEF 1940, Normandy 1944 to the Rhine, Tunisia 1942-43 & Italy 1943-45. Roll of Hon., awards &c. Orig. blue cloth, gilt, little marked, some tape residue to eps of Vol. II, generally VG with loosely inserted prospectus for the work (22pp., orig. dec. wraps., containing a short description & a reproduction of the index) & OTC Cerificate "A" certifying that Ralph Humphrey Leeke of the Wellington College Contingent was qualified in the Infantry syllabus of training. Note: Leeke was commissioned in the Grenadier Guards & served with the 6th Bn. in Italy where, with a Grenadier Company attached to the 3rd Bn. Welsh Guards, he was mortally wounded attacking a german occupied house near the River Arno on 7th August 1944: an event described in the text. He was posthumously Mentioned in Despatches. See illustration on our website.   £65


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