Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

ARGO (J.A.) The 2nd Can. Heavy Battery in the World War, 1914 to 1919. Record of the Battery from Mobilization in 1914 to Demobilization in 1919 including Battle Engagements & Battery Positions. Chronology of the World War... & Miscellaneous Information. 2nd C.H.B. Old Boys' Association Constitution & Nominal Roll. Also Maps of Western Front & Peace Proclamation dated Mons, Nov. 11, 1918. 1st Ed., i+117pp., 6 fldg. maps. Montreal: Woodward Press for the 2nd CHB Old Boy's Association. 1932  #63166
[HLMainPic] A rare history presented in the form of a small pocketbook with rexine covers, the idea being that "revised pages may be issued from time to time." Whether this actually happened is unknown, but Perkins records a copy with the same pagination as this example, noting: "This curious book is a combination of technical information concerning the Battery's deployments & much irrelevant comment regarding the progress of the war in general. Few members of the Battery are named in the text, but the nominal roll... is certainly of interest..." I would add that the chronological record, 1916-19, is useful & informative. Includes Roll of Hon. & nominal roll noting awards. See illustration on our website.   £145


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