Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

SIMS (Rear-Adml. William S., USN) The Victory at Sea. 3rd Imp., xv+352pp., frontis. Murray. 1921  #63626
[HLMainPic] Much good detail on anti-submarine ops., convoy system &c. by the commander of US Naval forces in European waters during the war: "Rear-Admiral Sims' book is... concerned with the anti-submarine war, in which he took a prominent & distinguished part. When he came to London & first interviewed Lord Jellicoe at the Admiralty the situation was at its black worst. He gives very interesting particulars of the numerous devices employed to fight submarines. The most important, however, was sue less to brain work on any man's part than to the arrival of the American reinforcements. These made it possible to adopt the convoy system, the most efficacious of all weapons against the submarine. This is an interesting book by a fine sailor who is also a firm friend of Britain's." - Falls (awarding a star). Orig. blue cloth, gilt, sp. dull & somewhat worn, sound. See illustration on our website.   £20


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