Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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PRIESTMAN (E.Y.) With a B-P Scout in Gallipoli: A Record of the Belton Bulldogs. 2nd Ed., xv+311pp., portrait frontis., 4 plates, num. sketches. London: Routledge & NY: Dutton. 1917  #64122
[HLMainPic] Memoir, letters and sketches of Lt. Edmund Yerbury Priestman (born 1890), Scoutmaster of the 16th (Westbourne) Sheffield Boy Scouts. He was commissioned October 1914 in the 6th (S) Bn. York & Lancaster Regiment, trained at Belton Park & Godalming then went to Gallipoli with the battalion: landed Suvla Bay in August 1915 & was KiA on 19th Nov. when, whilst engaged in improving a front line position at night, his party was rushed & wiped out by the Turks. The next night the position was recaptured and Priestman's body was recovered. The recaptured position was renamed Priestman's Post in honour of his gallant defence. He was buried in Hill 10 Cemetery, Gallipoli. Second edition jointly imprinted on tp for Routledge & Dutton: this copy with Dutton named at foot of sp. & on jacket. Rare dw, with publishers' endorsement: "...the book is full of the cheeriest kind of fun; the irrepressible outburst of a youth who is blessed with the ability always to see the grotesque side of life. The book will teach you to respect Tommy Atkins as a man aside from his ability as a soldier." Orig. brown cloth, titled in black, near fine in neatly renovated & VG dw. See illustration on our website.   £220


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