Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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ADYE (Lt.-Col. John, CB, RA) The Defence of Cawnpore, By the Troops under the Orders of Major General Charles A. Windham, C.B., in Nov. 1857. 1st Ed., 58pp., fldg. plan of Cawnpore "to illustrate the Battle of the 27th of November 1857" (with hand-coloured detail) & another fldg. map, Outline map of the Country round Cawnpore. Longman, Brown et al. 1858  #64287
[HLMainPic] Exceptionally rare first-hand account supplemented by texts of Windham's Official Despatches on operations at Cawnpore. "Gives a detailed account of three days of battle during which Cawnpore was defended, preventing the creation of an enemy outpost in General Havelock's rear. Author defends General Windham's actions." (Ladendorf 507). Arriving at Cawnpore, Adye discovered that Sir Colin Campbell had already left to relieve Lucknow. With the Gwalior contingent advancing on Cawnpore: "He took part in the actions fought there by Major-General Charles Ash Windham... He was present at the battle of 6 December, in which the Gwalior contingent was routed by Sir Colin Campbell after his return from Lucknow...". Orig. red cloth, blindstamped & gilt, some staining & wear, generally VG, with publisher's 24pp. catalogue of recent works bound in at rear & this copy inscribed "From Major General Dupuis CB" i.e. Gen. J.E. Dupuis, who commanded the Royal Artillery in India during the Mutiny. See illustrations on our website.   £425


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