Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

WHITNELL (S/L Lewis) Engines Over London. 1st Ed., With an Introduction by Lord Douglas of Kirtleside, GCB, MC, DFC, 164pp., several photos. VG in chipped dw. Carroll & Nicholson. 1949  #64769
[HLMainPic] Scarce memoirs, falsely presented a s a pilot's true experiences of the Battle of Britain. Whitnell was a Sgt. Pilot in the RAFVR, later commissioned. Served mostly with 85 Squadron in 1940 but this Sqdrn. was not operational during the Battle of Britain. Indeed, the 1st Edition (of which this is a scarce surviving example, especially so in the dw) was pulled by the publishers. The next edition bore a statement: "The publishers wish to state that since publication it has become clear that the author of this book did not take part in a number of the incidents in which he claims to have participated, although he gives a vivid and realistic description of the Battle of Britain. The manuscript was accepted by the publishers in good faith; and in view of the fact that it is considered to contain some of the most thrilling accounts of aerial combat ever written, they have decided to continue with publication of this book. They nevertheless felt it right to issue this disclaimer as they cannot in the light of their discovery guarantee the authenticity of all the facts. With this proviso, the book can be recommended to give the feel of those splendid days of 1940 from the point of view of the pilots who risked and gave their lives. In the book as originally issued, Lord Douglas of Kirtleside had contributed an introduction. As soon as the information previously referred to became known, at Lord Douglas's request, his introduction was withdrawn from this book." The true 1st Edition of this curiosity. VG in chipped dw. See illustration on our website.   £65


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