Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

GRAHAM (William) Travels Through Portugal & Spain, During the Peninsular War. 1st Ed., iv+88pp. Printed for Sir Richard Phillips & Co. 1820  #65105
[HLMainPic] The editor of this work states that the author was connected to the Commissariat & notes that his memoirs were bound together with "A sketch of the State of Spain" [by one Bowring, but not present here]. Victor Sutcliffe (Sandler collection) records that "Graham was with the 48th Regiment from the beginning of 1813 to the end of the wear. He has good accounts of the battle of Vittoria & the crossing of the Bidassoa." However he also notes that there should be 7 plates (2 fldg.) & a general map, which are not present in this copy. This text is, however, scarce in any form & is not recorded by Brett-James (bibliography in "Life in Wellington's Army"). Amateur plain paper wraps., VG thus, but sold as a text rather than an a collectable copy. See illustration on our website.   £75


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