Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

SPROT (Lt.-Gen. J.) Incidents & Anecdotes in the Life of Lieut.-General Sprot, Honorary Colonel of the Princess Louise's Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, Who Served Twenty Years in the 83rd Regiment, now the 1st Bn. Royal Irish Rifles, Twelve of which were in India, including all through the Mutiny from the Beginning to the End, in Civil & Military Employments... &c. &c. 1st Ed., 2 Vols., [ix]+106+17pp., portrait frontis., 4 plates & [vii]+82+97pp., portrait frontis., 21 photos. Printed for Private Circulation Only. 1906 & 1907  #65812
[HLMainPic] Much of volume I concerns service in India including the Mutiny in the campaign in Central India (his only active service); later commanded 91st Argyllshire Highlanders, was AA&AQG for Scotland, GOC Maidstone Brigade Depot &c. Rare memoirs published (the second one posthumously) in Edinburgh. Raugh 6644 (no comment, so probably not seen); not in Ladendorf. Orig. red cloth, gilt, sp. of Vol. I somewhat sunned o/w VG throughout & rare. See illustration on our website.   £250


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