Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

GLADSTONE (Hugh S., MA, FRSE, FZS &c.) Birds & The War. 1st Ed., xviii+169pp., 17 photos. Skeffington & Son. 1919  #65991
[HLMainPic] Includes accounts of the work of pigeons & canaries, & a Roll of Honour of some of the ornithologists killed in the war, but essentially the author set out to collect information on the effect of the war on birds: "Captain Gladstone, a patient observer of bird life, here considers the effects of man's war upon the birds. He concludes that they were not on the whole great. On of the most important was the lapse in preservation & of the war on raptorial birds, which tended to diminish other breeds. For the rest, the birds adapted themselves. Partridges & larks lay out & even nested between the lines; blackbirds reared their young in bushes amid the trenches; nightingales sang during the bombardments. Gas affected birds far less than mammals, if at all." - Falls. Orig. green cloth, titled in black, lacks ffep o/w VG & rare. See illustration on our website.   £120


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