Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

LAWSON (J.B.) A Cameronian Officer: Being a Memoir of Lieutenant James Burnett Lawson, Second Cameronians (Scottish Rifles). 1st Ed., viii+255pp., 4 portraits. Glasgow: John Smith & Son. 1921  #66109
[HLMainPic] Contains a detailed memoir utilising his letters written during training, at the front &c. Ed. at Rothesay Academy & entered the medical school at Glasgow Univ. in 1914. Commisioned the following year in the Cameronians; posted to 9th (S) Bn. in France, May 1916 & returned in Sept. on transfer to the MGC. Trained at Belton Camp, Gratham, until, in April 1917, he learnt he was unlikely to see active service with the MGC because of his youth & requested to transfer back to his original regiment. Joined 2nd Scottish Rifles in June 1917 & took over "A" Coy. during 3rd Ypres. After a period of sick leave in the UK he returned to France for the last time in Jan. 1918. He was wounded in a counter-attack behind Meharicourt Village, 27/3/18 & DoW the same day. Contains a number of letters from other officers explaining, to their best knowledge, the circumstances of his wounding & death. Orig. tartan paper covd. boards with paper label & green cloth backstrip with gilt title, a little worn but scarce. See illustration on our website.   £225


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