Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

CALLWELL (Maj.-Gen. Sir C.E.) Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson: His Life & Diaries. With a Preface by Marshal Foch. 1st Ed., 2 vols., xiv+364 & viii+390pp., 16 plates. VG in dws. Cassell. 1927  #68019
[HLMainPic] Wilson was commissioned in the Rifle Bde. 1884; served in Burma, Boer War, &c., & was a famous Francophile intriguer, DMO 1910-14; GOC IV Corps, Supreme War Council, &c. in WW1, CIGS 1918 & 1921-22 when assassinated by Sinn Feiners. "It is pretty evident that these diaries kept by Sir Henry Wilson were not meant to be published in this form. His impulsiveness in his speech he carried into his private journal, & there are many occasions on which it does him less than justice & gives openings to his many detractors. The main importance of the book is first of all in Wilson's relations before the War with French commanders & staff officers, & secondly as regards the period in 1918 when he was Chief of the Imperial General Staff. And, however much we may regret phrases unworthy of his best self, we must admit that they are generally amusing & revealing." - Falls. Orig. green cloth with black cloth spines, gilt, VG in chipped dws. See illustration on our website.   £45


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