Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

LONG (Cora Oma) Letters of a World-War Veteran to His Mother. 1st Ed., orig. printed wraps., 112pp., 21 photos. [The author]. nd (c.1922)  #68118
[HLMainPic] Containing the letters while training then in France of Cpl. Lavern Harold Long, First Air Service Mechanics Regiment, Signal Corps Aviation Section, compiled by his mother, with her autobiographical note, a selection of her poems & her fudge recipe. The work was published by Cora Long to bring attention to the case of her missing son. It appears that Cpl. Long was honorably discharged in July 1919, but was suffering from shell shock, could not settle down & went missing in July 1921. Orig. printed wraps., little marked & worn, generally VG & a scarce curiosity. (Note: a quick internet search reveals that the missing soldier died aged 57 in 1950 & his grave stone records his military details: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/95629207/lavern-harold-long#view-photo=65635885). What he did in between is unknown to me. See illustration on our website.   £50


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