PEAT (Harold R.)
Private Peat.
1st Ed., [x]+235pp., portrait frontis., 15 photos., 2 sketch maps. VG in dw. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill.
First-hand account of service with the 3rd Bn., 1st Canadian Contingent in F&F until wounded at Ypres. Orig. brown cloth, titled in white, VG in chipped, attractive dw bearing a portrait of the author above the strapline "Two years in Hell & back with a smile." The back panel of the jacket is basically an exhortation to Americans to enlist in the American Army then being formed for service in europe. It includes such fantastical statements as "Don't picture your son choking & writhing in a gas attack. The universal use of gas masks has made that devilish German innovation about as harmless as a morning mist." Yeah, right. See illustrations on our website.