Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

ASPINALL-OGLANDER (Brig. C.F., CB, CMG, DSO) Military Operations Gallipoli: Volume I: Inception of the Campaign to May 1915. Maps & Appendices 1st Ed., viii+77pp., 5 fldg. maps. VG in sl. chipped dw. Heinemann. 1929  #61087
[HLMainPic] Maps & appendices to Part I: Includes reproductions of Hamilton's, Birdwood's & other subordinate commanders' orders for the original landings, Battle of Krithia &c. Excellent & widely acclaimed history of which Falls states "No serious student of the War can avoid reading this book... he will find this no imposition, for the book is easily & attractively written." Orig. red cloth, gilt, VG in sl. chipped & marked but scarce dw with bold ink presentation inscription from the author: "Alan Moorehead with all good wishes from Cecil Aspinall-Oglander. These maps were prepared by - though not actually drawn by - Major A.F. Becke, I'm ashamed to see his name does not appear. Vol. II also." Note: Doubtless given to Moorehead by Aspinall-Oglander while the former was writing his classic account of the campaign published in 1956.Tthe author's regret at the absence of Becke's name on this volume affirms the value placed upon the latter's work. It should be added that Becke's name did appear on the title pages of both the text volumes. Interesting copy. See illustration on our website.   £165


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