Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

Official Copy. The Army Act. Revised to 1918. [Printed in Accordance with the Army (Annual) Act, 1885... With the Amendments made down to the passing of the Army (Annual) Act, 1918.] 139pp. (& bound with blank interleaves). Printed by E. & S. for the King's Printer of Acts of Parliament. Contemp.  #61262
[HLMainPic] The Army Act was the legal basis under which the British Government could maintain a standing army. It covered terms of enlistment, discipline & punishment, prisons & prisoners, pay, billets &c. This volume, the Act for 1918, is based on the Annual Act for 1885 & subsequent amendments. The 1885 Act remained the benchmark until at least the 1920s. To maintain its legality the Army Act had to be passed by Parliament annually (although this rule was temporarily suspended during WW1), during the course of which annual budgets were reviewed & the opportunity taken by the War Office to amend the regulations here & there as they saw fit. Orig. red cloth, gilt to sp., VG ex-RUSI. See illustration on our website.   £75


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