Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

HAZARD (John) Ed. The Army & Navy Calendar for the Financial Year 1884-85; Being a Compendium of General Information Relating to the Army, Navy, Militia & Volunteers, & Containing Maps, Plans, Tabulated Statements, Abstracts, Etc., Compiled from Authentic Sources (Corrected to 30th April 1884). 4th annual Edition, 293pp., several fldg. maps & tables, several maps in text. W.H. Allen. 1884.  #61277
[HLMainPic] This work can with justification be described as a veritable cornucopia of factual detail on the state of the Army & the British Empire in 1884. Contains, inter al, descriptions of barrack accommodation at some 30 home stations, as well as 20 or so in India. Includes sketch maps of the military stations at Shorncliffe, Chatham, Cork & Dover. Included in the details of overseas stations are maps of Jersey & Guernsey, Gibraltar & Malta (including Valetta harbour), Aden & Penang. Also valuable fldg. maps of military stations, distances & routes in British India. Alongised the information on the resources & stations of the British Empire are full details of educational establishments for the children of officers & soldiers; lists of Solders' Homes & Institutes (with some interesting remarks) ;details of the examination requirements & courses at Sandhurst & Woolwich, as well as for candidates to the ISC, IMS, RMA, RMLI &c; Lists of the staff in Great Britain & Ireland; Staff of Militia units & Volunteer regiments, the Colonial Militia & Volunteers (including the Indian Volunteer Corps). Much else too, including fldg. table of Battle Honours awarded to regiments, detailed chronology of battles & other notable events, stema ship & mail services form British ports to all outposts of Empire, &c. Orig. red cloth covd. dec wraps., somewhat worn & stained but a remarkably good copy for the construction & appears to be a rare survival of a short-lived series. The fldg. plans are excellent, as is the range of contents of which the above is a partial description. See illustration on our website.   £145


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