Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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DISBROWE (E.J.W., MA) History of the Volunteer Movement in Cheshire 1914-1920. 1st Ed., iii+108pp., num. portraits & other photos., fldg. map. Stockport: Swain & Co., Printers. 1920  #61465
[HLMainPic] Much of value on the raising, adoption by the War Office, organisation & training of the force, with rolls of officers & officials, var. notes on members &c. Orig. blue cloth, gilt, VG with ownership inscrip. of "Charles E. Yate Christmas 1920" & loosely inserted letter from him, on House of Commons notepaper, forwarding the book on Christmas day 1920 to "My Dear Dalgleish, I send you this little book of the History of the Volunteer Movement in Cheshire which has just been sent to me as possibly you may think something of the same sort might be compiled for Leicestershire. Why should we not have a similar record with your portrait in it & the portraits of the other C.O.s...Cheshire has double the population of Leicestershire but... the latter can show just as good a record..." (Note: Col. Sir Charles Edward Yate, 1849-1940, distinguished Indian Army officer & 'political' with extensive service in Afghanistan, Persia, Baluchistan &c., possessed of numerous honours & author of several Gazetteers & other works, was Conservative MP for the Melton Division of Leicestershire, 1910-24.) See illustration on our website.   £85


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