Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

GRANT (Capt. B.S.H.) Memories of Flanders (1914-1919). Four Short Articles. 1st Ed., 32pp., 14 photos., fldg. map. Maidstone: Printed at the Office of the South Eastern Gazette [presumably for the Author]. 1920  #61693
[HLMainPic] A slim but charming & well-illustrated work reprinting in volume form four pieces that originally appeared in the columns of the South Eastern Gazette. (i) The Evacuation of Bailleul (in March 1918); (ii) Ypres (a short piece on the famous City); (iii) West Flanders (a general description of the devastated area, &c.); (iv) With the Labour Corps (a short account of the raising & organisation of the LC, evidently based on personal experiences. Interspersed are short accounts of some of the front line locations such as Ridge Wood, Vlamertynghe, Dickebusch, plus list of approx. 40 habitations in Flanders with a note of their pre-war population, condition in 1918 & remarks such as "Temporary wooden erections are now being built" in the the case of some of the destroyed villages: "It is difficult to know what will be done... Places like Hooge & Gheluvelt have ceased to exist... A few wooden buildings are dotted here & there - mostly estaminets - & are occupied by former residents of the villages." Orig. purple cloth, gilt title to front, label removed from front paste-down o/w VG & rare. See illustrations on our website.   £225


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