British Army of the Rhine Battlefield Tour. Operation Totalize: 2 Canadian Corps Operations Astride the Road Caen-Falaise 7-8 August 1944.
1st Ed., x+65pp., foolscap, 10 photos., 9 of 10 maps (end-pocket map lacking). Prepared under the Direction of G (Trg) HQ BAOR & with the assistance of The Canadian Amy Historical Section. Sept.
RESTRICTED. Detailed account of the planning & execution of this phase of the Normandy Breakout, with various original Operation Orders &c. reproduced, also a short account by Kurt Meyer, commander of 12 SS Panzer Div. Excellent coloured fldg. maps. Preface states that this tour is "especially concerned with the air plan & the part played by 51 (H) Div with particular reference to:- (a) The use of armoured personnel carriers; (b) Maintenance of direction during a night advance. It forms the necessary background to a detailed study of the battle carried out on the ground." Orig. blue cloth, gilt to front. VG & rare. This edition supersedes that of June 1947 & contains 10 photo. plates not present in the previous version. This copy, however, lacks the end-pocket map, o/w VG. See illustration on our website.