Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

[BELL (Capt. D.H., MC)] A Soldier's Diary of the Great War. 1st Ed., xx+252pp. VG in dw. Faber & Gwyer. 1929  #64450
[HLMainPic] Ed. & intro. by Henry Williamson, who had been to school with Bell & served with him in the LRB 1914-15. Bell was commissioned in the Seaforth Highlanders in April 1915 & quickly wounded at Hill 60. Returned to the front for Loos & the Somme, awarded MC, & later transferred to the RFC as a pilot. In 1926, when HW attended the reunion dinner of the original LRB men who had sailed for France in November 1914 per the troopship "Chyabassa" he remet Douglas Bell, who was then writing his war memoirs. HW was a reasonably well known published author by this time & Bell asked for his help which was evidently willingly forthcoming as HW wrote the Introduction to his book. Orig. red cloth, gilt, VG in chipped dw with red ink ownership inscrip. "Henry Williamson Georgeham 1928" plus a few light pencilled annotations to his Introduction, suggesting amendments, & one interesting marginal note to Bell's text referencing "P" i.e. Phillip Maddison. See illustrations on our website.   £325


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