Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

BARNETT (Lt.-Col. G.H., CMG, DSO) With the 48th Division in Italy. 1st Ed., [xiv]+162pp., 8 photos. (one a fldg. panorama), 2 fldg. maps. Blackwood. 1923  #64472
[HLMainPic] Author was AA&QMG of the Div. 1917-19. "These reminiscences are personal, but as their writer was senior administrative officer on the staff of the 48th Division in Italy, they give a clear idea of its task. There is a good account of trench warfare conditions on the lofty Asiago plateau, & of the final offensive, during which the 48th was the only British division left in the mountains." - Falls. Orig. black cloth, gilt to sp., divisional patch to front, litle marked & sp. dull, generally VG & rare with ownership. inscrip. "Oscar Viney" i.e., Col. Oscar Vaughan Viney TD DL (1886-1976) who served with the Ox. & Bucks TA in this division. See illustration on our website.   £120


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