Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

The Iron Duke: The Regimental Magazine of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding). Vols. V-X, 1929-1934. Six annual volumes, each nicely bound in contemp. half red calf, gilt titles to spines, Vol. V, No. 12, Feb. 1929-Vol. X, No. 29, Oct. 1934, each annual Volume c.220pp., so some 2000+pp in all, with photos., sketches, &c. For the Regiment. Contemp.  #64608
[HLMainPic] Containing the customary regimental news, historical articles (inc. extracts from diaries &c. of participants in earlier campaigns up to & including WW1, also Boer War, China &c.), Army Lists extracts, various named group photos., obituaries, distinguished regimental families (with num. portraits), &c. Six annual volumes, each nicely bound in contemp. half red calf, gilt titles to spines, for Capt. St. J.T. Faulkner, with his initials blocked to spines. VG throughout. See illustration on our website.   £165


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