Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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WHITTINGHAM (Maj.-Gen. Ferdinand, CB) Ed. A Memoir of the Services of Lieutenant-General Sir Samuel Ford Whittingham, KCB, KCH, GCF, Colonel of the 71st Highland Light Infantry. Derived Chiefly From His Own Letters & From Those of Distinguished Contemporaries. New [i.e., 2nd] Ed., xxviii+503pp., portrait frontis. Longmans, Green & Co. 1868  #65001
[HLMainPic] Rare memoirs including records of Whitlocke's distastrous campaign in South America, the Peninsular War & several campaigns in India. Whittingham was an extra-ADC to the C-inC during the first of these, was Deputy Assistant Quarter-Master General under Wellington in the Peninsula: provided vital liaison with the Spanish Army & was severely wounded at Talavera when bringing two Spanish battalions into the attack. Commanded a Division at the siege of Tarragona. From 1821 he was QMG in India & was wounded at the siege of Bhurtpore in 1826. He became commander of the Madras Army in 1840 but died in India in 1841. This "New" or 2nd Edition was necessary as "The errors & imperfections contained in the first edition... occasioned its speedy suppression." Orig. blue cloth, gilt, head & tail of sp. chipped, generally VG & rare with USC bookplate (presented by the author, 1868). See illustration on our website.   £325


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