Aide-Memoire to The Military Sciences: Framed from Contributions of Officers of The Different Services, & Edited by a Committee of the Corps of Royal Engineers. 1853.
2nd Ed., corrected, 3 Vols., vii+544pp., approx. 150 plates/diagrams; iv+589pp., approx. 100 plates/diagrams; iv+799pp., approx. 60 plates/diagrams. Lockwood & Co. 1861/1862
An immense, heavily illustrated, & exceptionally detailed compendium of the military (& other) sciences. This three-part work, some 1800pp. in all, with around 300 plates & many text engravings, covers just about everything that a student of the military profession should be aware of. Three matching volumes bound in later (somewhat amateur, but sound) half brown morocco over marbled paper covd. boards with red leather letting labels to sps. See illustration on on our website.