Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

BLAKER (Richard) Medal Without Bar. 1st Ed., 638pp. VG in sl. chipped dw. H&S. 1930  #65540
[HLMainPic] Fine novel, recently becoming acclaimed although not well known, based on the author's experiences with a 4.5-inch How. battery in F&F, a realistic vision of life & work in the battery, emphasising comradeship & sacrifice. Falls awards a star & notes "one of the longest & most detailed of war novels... gives perhaps the finest picture yet painted of life in a field-artillery battery. He is sentimental in that shame-faced British manner which is really more sentimental than Latin emotionalism, but his portraits are by no means necessarily false for that. His attitude to the war itself is sane & just. This is one of the books which could not possibly have been written save upon the foundation of experience." Orig. grey cloth, titled in back, nicely dec. with onlay of WW1 War & Victory Medal ribbons, VG in chipped & worn dw. Uncommon thus. See illustration on our website.   £120


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