Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

FORSYTH (Ethel) Ed. Autobiography & Reminiscences of Sir Douglas Forsyth, CB, KCSI, FRGS. Edited by His Daughter. 1st Ed., vii+283pp., portrait frontis., fldg. maps (in colour, of Turkestan). Richard Bentley. 1887  #65806
[HLMainPic] Important work on Forsyth's long & distinguished but now largely unsung career & work which is described by Buckland (Dictionary of Indian Biography) as: "I.C.S. : son of Thomas Forsyth, merchant: born Oct. 7, 1827: educated at Sherborne, Rugby & Haileybury: arrived at Calcutta, 1848: went to the Punjab, after the annexation of 1849: at the outbreak of the mutiny was Deputy Commissioner of Umballa: reported on the disaffection, & controlled the Sikh states: was Special Commissioner for punishing the rebels, after the fall of Delhi: Secretary to the Chief Commissioner at Oudh: C.B. : went to Leh in 1867 to promote trade with Turkistan: established the Palampur fair: sent to Russia on diplomatic mission: obtained from the Russian Government an acknowledgement that certain disputed territories belonged to the Amir of Afghanistan: went in 1870 to Yarkand: in 1872 lost his appointment as Commissioner of Umbala for supporting his subordinate's measures in putting down the Kooka outbreak at Malair Kotla: led a mission to Kashgar, 1873-74: K.C.S.I. in 1874: Additional Member of the Governor General's Legislative Council, 1874: Envoy to Burma in 1875: obtained an agreement to the independence of the Karenni States: retired in 1877: died Decr. 17, 1886." Orig. blue cloth, gilt to front & sp., little rubbed & worn, VG but for staining to bottom leading corner of frontis. Rare, especially in good state. See illustration on our website.   £350


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