Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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BROWN (James) Turkish Days & Ways. [A Medical Officer's experiences as a prisoner of War in Syria & Asia Minor.] 1st Ed., [ix]+288pp., ep map. VG in dw. Sydney: Angus & Roberston. 1940  #66093
[HLMainPic] Sleeve note states: "A medical officer in the R.A.M.C., he was captured by the Turks not far east of Suez in April 1916. There followed a painful journey to Damascus with wounded British prisoners who received treatment from the Turkish ambulance & hospital services... the author was taken to Aleppo - thence through the ancient land of Cilicia to Tarsus, Bozanti, Konya, & finally to Afyon Karahisar in the heart of Asia Minor. Here he was interned until the signing of the Armistice in 1918. Dr Brown tells vividly, yet with admirable detachment & restraint, of his ordeal & of the ordeal of his companions in an unsanitary, vermin infested house in Afyon; he presents living portraits of Turks, Armenians, Russians & Frenchmen - and especially of the temperamental commandant and the wily interpreter whose mood and whims governed the lives of their charges." At the time of his capture at Romani Dr Brown was "a very junior officer in a field ambulance, serving a brigade of yeomanry which had been posted to the desert from the Suez Canal in order to guard the railway recently constructed from the Canal to Duidar..." Orig. brown cloth, titles in black, VG in little worn dw. Rare in any form, especially in dw. See illustrations on our website.   £345


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