Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

NUNN (Vice-Adml. Wilfred, CB, CSI, CMG, DSO) Tigris Gunboats: A Narrative of the Royal Navy's Co-operation with the Military Forces in Mesopotamia from the Beginning of the War to the Capture of Baghdad (1914-17). 1st Ed., 288pp., portrait frontis., 29 photos., ep maps. Melrose. 1932  #66733
[HLMainPic] The naval force commander's comprehensive account of the operations to capture Basra, the taking of Kut by a naval flotilla & subsequent siege & relief, as well as recconaissances up river &c. Author's bold presentation inscrip. to half title: "To Leonard R. Gribble from Alfred Nunn - with very many thanks for all the kind help given in writing this book. 1st Oct. 1932." Additionally signed by author beneath portrait frontis. NOTE: The recipient was Leonard Reginald Gribble (1908-1985) who was a prolific writer of crime fiction. Orig. blue cloth, gilt, little chipped & rubbed at head & tail of sp., o/w VG & scarce. See illustrations on our website.   £145


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