Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 07 September 2024

"ANONYMOUS." WAAC: The Woman's Story of the War. 1st Ed., 249pp. T. Werner Laurie Ltd. 1930  #67329
[HLMainPic] Fiction cleverly presented as a veracitous account of WAAC experience in hospitals in France, "the intimate story of a young girl... she realistically describes her adventures & her love affairs" & is "Compelled for obvious reasons to cloak her identity." In fact, Tom Werner Laurie engaged a "young male journalist" (whom he never publicly identified) to undertake the work which, although published in his fiction list, has been accepted as a genuine memoir - & quoted as such - by several latter day historians. Orig. orange cloth, titled in black, VG. See illustration on our website.   £35


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