Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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United States Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific). Naval Analysis Division. Interrogations of Japanese Officials. Volumes I & II. 1st Ed., 2 Vols., xv+286 & [v]+[250]pp. (576pp. in all), 4to, approx. 70 maps & several diagrams of ships &c. (many fldg.). US Government Printing Office. 1946  #67687
[HLMainPic] Vol. I contains a Summary, List of Interrogations arranged both numerically & according to subject matter, List of Illustrations (i.e., maps), Index of Major Battles & Operations & Japanese Officials, Interrogations 1-70. Vol. II contains Interrogations 71-118 plus Japanese Notes of Battles & Biographies of Interrogated Japanese Officials. The Foreword explains that "The interrogations in this volume were conducted in Tokyo during the months of October, November and December 1945 by officers of the Naval Analysis Division of the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey. While the original purpose of the interrogations was to gain evidence for an assessment of the role of airpower in the war with Japan, in the absence of any other body concerned with the conduct of this naval war, this purpose was broadened to include as wide a survey of wartime events as time and other restrictions would permit." The Foreword goes on to say that "almost without exception the Japanese naval officers interrogated were cooperative to the highest degree" so that "it is believed that these interrogations form a body of source material indispensable to any future study of the war with Japan." Orig. blue cloth, gilt to spines & front, VG ex-MoD Library, VG with trace of old lable stating "N.I.D. Record Copy" to front of Vol. II. See illustrations on our website.   £145


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