Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
  Stock last updated on 31 March 2025

FINLINSON (Harold) With Pen & Ink in Iraq. Being a selection of notes & sketches made by a British Officer during the present Campaign. 1st Ed., orig. dec. wraps., oblong 4to (284x220mm), [vi]+20pp. interleaved with 15 plates on art paper laid on brown paper (most with colour tints), 12 b/w sketches in text, map. Printed by Higginbothams, Madras. 1918  #67812
[HLMainPic] Letterpress descriptions & appealing sketches (many tinted, all captioned) of various locations in Mespot. mainly along the Tigris from Basra onwards to Amarah, Kut-el-Amarah, Baghdad, &c. Author served with 7th Bn. Gloucestershire Regiment during the campaign & writes in his Foreword: "...it is only in consequence of our army's victories that we are now able to scrutinise more closely the little towns & villages which nestle on the banks of the Tigris & of the Shatt-el-Arab. I have chose one or two of the more well-known scenes to sketch & to describe & have also mentioned, where possible, notable characteristics of the people & of the country as I have discovered them..." Wirestitched (stapled) contents pasted into dec. wraps., an economical form of binding now somewhat loose, edges little chipped, somewhat worn overall, generally VG & rare (just on copy on JISC/Library Hub, at BL). See illustrations on our website.   £275


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