[FORBES (Rev. E.A.)]
Vermelles: Notes on the Western Front by a Chaplain.
With an Introductory Chapter by The Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway. 1st Ed., [ix]+vi+88pp., 7 illus., 2 maps (one fldg.). Edinburgh: "The Scottish Chronicle Press" (For the Author).
Excellent impressions of a chaplain in France 1915, inc. Battle of Loos. Discusses his experiences & role ministering to troops, & the difficulties of following religion such as when he entered Vermelles church to pray & found a sign "This is an Artillery Observation Post Please Keep Away." Memoir printed privately in three bindings: paper, brown cloth & superior white cloth (of which this is an example). Appealing & scarce. VG with author's presentation inscrip. "Father Cullen With very best wishes from the Author! E.A.F. 1919." See illustration on our website.