HOWARD (James M., Captain, Regimental Chaplain)
The Autobiography of a Regiment: A History of the 304th Field Artillery in the World War.
1st Ed., xvii+310pp., frontis., num. plates & many sketches in text (from drawings by Revard Graham & others). No imprint, NY.
War history with many excellent sketches & drawings. Service details of officers & roll of all ranks. Orig. green cloth, gilt to front & sp., neatly rebacked retaining orig. sp., VG thus with lengthy presentation inscrip., "To Timothy J. Buckley, Sergeant and Chief of Section of the Third Piece of battery 'A' 304th Field Artillery, 77th Division A.E.F. Whenever the infantry called for a forward piece from our regiment it was generally your piece which reported. Remember the Lieutenant in charge of the 'B' department. Frank L. Cunningham ex 1st Lt 304th F.A." See illustrations on our website.