My Seventy-Five: Journal of a French Gunner (August-September 1914).
1st Eng. Ed., With a Foreword by Marshal Joffre, xxv+212pp., 8 plates, ep map. Davies.
Classic French account of 1914 in the ranks of an artillery unit armed with the famous 75mm. Battles of the Marne, Aisne &c. Author was KiA 1916. "Lintier, a young field artilleryman doing his service when war broke out, kept a journal until the 22nd September [1914] when he was wounded, which is among the finest documents of its kind ever published. He is one of the few writers whose powers of description & of self-analysis are equally great. His battery was in the French IV Corps, & took part in the disastrous action of Virton. The details of the defeat, the pictures of the shaken infantry & of the roads blocked by fleeing country people, are wonderfully good. But defeat was not to be his sole experience. The exhausted battery was suddenly entrained with its division & moved through Paris to the left flank, where it formed part of General Maunoury's Army, & on the 9th September for the first time 'got its own back' firing over open sights upon the enemy in mass. Then came the wild joy when it was discovered that the enemy had broken off the action. The advance to the Aisne followed. Just before Lintier was wounded there was another desperate action, in the course of which the battery was firing at a range of 800 metres. On returning to the front Lintier kept another journal, which was found on his body when he fell in action." - Falls. Rubbed & worn ex Boots circ. lib. See illustration on our website.