BAKER (George)
The Soul of a Skunk: The Autobiography of A Conscientious Objector.
BAMBER (Martin) Ed. by NEEVEN (Aad)
For Free India (Indian Soldiers in Germany & Italy During the Second World War): Legion Freise Indien / (Ind) Infanterie Regiment 950, Indische frewilligen Legon de Waffen-SS, Battaglione Azad Hindosta, 1942-1945.
BARRETO (Brig. T.)
History of the Corps of Signals. Volume I: Early Times to Outbreak of Second World War (1939).
BATES (Crispin) et al.
Mutiny at the Margins: New Perspectives on the Indian Uprising of 1857. 5 Vols., I: Anticipations & Experiences in the Locality; II: Britain & The Indian Uprising; III: Global Perspectives; IV: Military Aspects of The Indian Uprising; V: Muslim, Dalit & Subaltern Narratives.
BATTY (Capt. Robert)
Campaign of the Left Wing of the Allied Army, in the Western Pyrenees & South of France, in the Years 1813-1814, under FM The Duke of Wellington.
BAYLY (Hugh Wansey, MC)
Triple Challenge; or War, Whirligigs & Windmills: A Doctor's Memoirs of the Years 1914-1929.
BAYNES (Lt.-Col. John)
The History of the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) Vol. IV: The Close of Empire 1949-1968.
The Australian Imperial Force in France During the Allied Offensive, 1918: May 1918 to the Armistice.
The Australian Imperial Force in France during the Main German Offensive, 1918.
The Australian Imperial Force in France May 1918 to the Armistice.
The Story of Anzac: Vol. II, From 4 May, 1915, to the Evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula.
The Story of Anzac: Vol. II, From 4 May, 1915, to the Evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula.
The Story of Anzac: Vol. II, From 4 May, 1915, to the Evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula.
The Story of Anzac: Vol. I, From the Outbreak of War to the End of the First Phase of the Gallipoli Campaign, May 4, 1915.
BECK (Peter J.)
Using History, Making British Policy: The Treasury & the Foreign Office, 1950-76.
BECKE (Major A.F.)
Order of Battle of Divisions: Part 2A: The Territorial Force Mounted Divisions & the 1st-Line Territorial Force Divisions (42-56).
BECKE (Major A.F.)
Order of Battle of Divisions: Part 2B: The 2nd Line Territorial Force Divisions (57-69) with the Home Service Divisions (71-73) & 74th & 75th Divisions.
BECKE (Major A.F.)
Order of Battle of Divisions: Part 3B: New Army Divisions (30-41) & 63rd (R.N.) Division.
BECKE (Major A.F.)
Order of Battle of Divisions: Part 4: The Army Council, G.H.Q.s, Armies & Corps 1914-1918.
BECKE (Major A.F.)
Order of Battle of Divisions: Part 4: The Army Council, G.H.Q.s, Armies & Corps 1914-1918.
BECKE (Major A.F.)
Order of Battle of Divisions: Part 3B: New Army Divisions (30-41) & 63rd (R.N.) Division.
BECKE (Major A.F.)
Order of Battle of Divisions: Part 2B: The 2nd Line Territorial Force Divisions (57-69) with the Home Service Divisions (71-73) & 74th & 75th Divisions.
BECKE (Major A.F.)
Order of Battle of Divisions: Part 2A: The Territorial Force Mounted Divisions & the 1st-Line Territorial Force Divisions (42-56).
BEHREND (Arthur)
As From Kemmel Hill: An Adjutant in France & Flanders 1917 & 1918.
BEHREND (Capt. & Adjt. A.F.)
Nine Days: Adventures of a Heavy Artillery Brigade of the Third Army during the German Offensive of March 21-29 1918.
BEHREND (Capt. & Adjt. A.F.)
Nine Days: Adventures of a Heavy Artillery Brigade of the Third Army during the German Offensive of March 21-29 1918.
K-Men: The Story of the German Frogmen & Midget Submarines.
BELL (Gertrude)
The Arab War: Confidential Information for General Headquarters from Gertrude Bell, Being Despatches Reprinted from The Secret "Arab Bulletin."
With the Heavies in Flanders 1914, '15, '16, '17, '18, '19: A Record of the Active Service of the 24th Heavy Battery RGA.
Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War: The North African Campaign 1940-1943.
BIGLAND (Editha Blanche Hinde)
The Soldier Squire: A Memoir with Portraits of Second-Lieutenant George Braddyll Bigland of Bigland of the 1/4th King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, the Immortal Fifty-First Division.
BIGWOOD (George)
The Lancashire Fighting Territorials [In Gallipoli: An Epic of Heroism].
Well Done the 68th: The Durhams in the Crimea & New Zealand 1854-1866.
BILL (Major C.A.)
The 15th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment (2nd Birmingham Battalion) in the Great War.
BILL (Major C.A.)
The 15th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment (2nd Birmingham Battalion) in the Great War.
BIRDWOOD (Sir George)
Report on the Old Records of the India Office with Supplementary Note and Appendices.
BLASER (Bernard)
Kilts Across the Jordan: Being Experiences & Impressions with the 2nd Bn. London Scottish in Palestine.
BLOCH (Herbert)
The Bombardment of Monte Cassino (February 14-16, 1944). A New Appraisal.
BLUNDEN (Edmund)
De Bello Germanico: A Fragment of Trench History written in 1918 by the author of Undertones of War.
BLUNDEN (Edmund)
De Bello Germanico: A Fragment of Trench History written in 1918 by the author of Undertones of War.
The Indian Contingent: The Forgotten Muslim Soldiers of Dunkirk.
BOYLE (Col. G.E.) Comp.
The Rifle Brigade Century: An Alphabetical List of The Officers of the Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own) (Regular Battalions) from 1800 to 1905.
From Vimy to Mons: A Historical Narrative by William Breckenridge, ex 42nd Canadian Black Watch, Canadian Expeditionary Force.
A History of the 4th/7th Dragoon Guards & Their Predecessors 1685-1980.
A History of the 4th/7th Dragoon Guards & Their Predecessors 1685-1980.
Testament of Youth: An Autobiographical Study of the Years 1900-1925.
A Short History of the 9th/12th Royal Lancers (Prince of Wales's) 1960-1985.
BROOKS (Stephen) Ed.
Montgomery & the Eighth Army: A Selection from the Diaries, Correspondence & Other Papers of Field Marshal The Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, August 1942 to December 1943.
BROWN (James Ambrose)
Retreat to Victory. A Springbok's Diary in North Africa: Gazala to El Alamein 1942.
BROWN (James)
Turkish Days & Ways. [A Medical Officer's experiences as a prisoner of War in Syria & Asia Minor.]
BRUCE (Constance)
Humour in Tragedy: Hospital Life behind 3 Fronts by a Canadian Nursing Sister.
The History of the Royal Scots Fusiliers (1678-1918).
Glorious Deeds of Australasians in the Great War.
Glorious Deeds of the Australasians in the Great War.
Allenby's War: The Palestine-Arabian Campaigns 1916-1918.
BURGE (Maj. C. Gordon, OBE)
The Annals of 100 Squadron: Being a Record of the War Activities of the Pioneer Night Bombing Squadron in France during the period March 1917 to November 11th 1918, including its operations against German Towns whilst serving in the Independent Force of the R.A.F.
BURGOYNE (R.H., late 93rd)
Historical Records of the 93rd Sutherland Highlanders, now the 2nd Bn. Princess Louise's Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders.
Essex Units in the War 1914-1919: 2nd Bn. The Essex Regiment.
Essex Units in the War 1914-1919: 1st Bn. The Essex Regt.
The Auckland Regiment, Being an Account of the First, Second & Third Battalions of the Auckland Regiment.
BURY (Herbert)
Russia From Within: Personal Experiences of Many Years, & Especially Since 1923. With Opinions & Convictions Formed in Consequence.
BUTLER (Col. A.G., DSO, VD) et al.
The Australian Army Medical Services in the War of 1914-1918. Vol. I: The Gallipoli Campaign; The Campaign in Sinai & Palestine; The Occupation of German New Guinea.