Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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A to Z By Author Starting with D 79 Books

Slave Worker in the Channel Islands.
With British Guns in Italy: A Tribute to Italian Achievement.
DANCOCKS (Daniel G.)
Gallant Canadians: The Story of the 10th Canadian Infantry Bn. 1914-1919.
DANE (Edmund)
British Campaigns in Africa & the Pacific 1914-1918.
The Royal Hampshire Regiment. Vol. 3: 1918-1954.
The 20th Hussars in the Great War.
DAS (Maj. Gen. Chand N., OBE)
The Rajputana Rifles Brief History.
DAVID (Saul)
The Bengal Army & The Outbreak of the Indian Mutiny.
DAVIDSON (George, MA, MD, Major, RAMC)
The Incomparable 29th & the "River Clyde."
DAVIES (C. Collin, PhD.)
The Problem of the North-West Frontier 1890-1908, With a Survey of Policy since 1849.
Extracts from the Diaries of a Tommy (1916-1919). Being the Actual Day to Day Diary Kept by a Soldier During the War under Very Difficult Circumstances.
DAVIS (Lt.-Col. T.B., MC, RA)
The Story of 98th Field Regiment (Surrey & Sussex Yeomanry Q.M.R.) R.A. (T.A.) & 144th Field Regiment (Surrey & Sussex Yeomanry) R.A. (T.A.) 1939-1946.
DAVSON (Lt.-Col. H.M., CMG, DSO)
Memoirs of the Great War.
DAWSON (Capt. A.J.)
Back to Blighty: Battle Stories Recorded by Captain A.J. Dawson. Illustrations by Bruce Bairnsfather.
DAY (Henry C., SJ, MC)
A Cavalry Chaplain.
DAY (Henry C., SJ, MC)
A Cavalry Chaplain.
DAY (Henry C., SJ, MC)
A Cavalry Chaplain.
DAY (Jeffery, Flight-Commander, RNAS)
Poems & Rhymes.
DAY (Jeffery, Flight-Commander, RNAS)
Poems & Rhymes.
DE LA GRANGE (Baroness Ernest)
Open House in Flanders 1914-1918: Chateau de la Motte au Bois.
DE RUVIGNY (Marquis)
The Roll of Honour: A Biographical Record.
DE RUVIGNY (Marquis)
The Roll of Honour: A Biographical Record.
DE RUVIGNY (Marquis)
The Roll of Honour: A Biographical Record of Members of His Majesty's Naval & Military Forces who Fell in the Great War 1914-1918.
DEARDEN (Capt. Harold, RAMC)
Medicine & Duty: A War Diary.
DEARMER (Geoffrey)
DEELEY (Graeme)
Never No Ready: The History of the RAF Regiment Parachute Units 1942-2012.
DELAGE (Edmond)
The Tragedy of the Dardanelles.
DELAMAIN (Frank) Ed.
Going Across, or With the 9th Welch in the Butterfly Division: Being Extracts from the War Letters & Diary of Lieut. M. St. Helier Evans.
DELAP (Major J.O.K., DSO) et al.
With a Siege Battery in France. 303 Siege Battery, R.G.A. 1916-1919.
DENT (Olive)
A V.A.D. in France.
DENT (W. Redvers)
Show Me Death!
With the 2nd Cape Corps thro' Central Africa.
DEVAL (Jacques)
Wooden Swords.
DEVELIN (Sgt.-Major, RE)
Views in Chitral Taken during the Advance of the 3rd Brigade of the Chitral Relief Force under the Command of Brigadier-General W.F. Gatacre, D.S.O., by Sergeant-Major Develin, R.E., 1895.
DEWAR (George A.B.)
The Great Munition Feat 1914-1918.
DEWAR (Thomas F., MD)
With the Scottish Yeomanry: Being a Reprint, Somewhat Altered & Extended, of Letters Written from South Africa During the War of 1899-1901.
DIGBY (Peter K.A.)
Pyramids and Poppies: The 1st SA Infantry Brigade in Libya, France and Flanders 1915-1919.
DIGBY (Peter K.A.)
Pyramids and Poppies: The 1st SA Infantry Brigade in Libya, France and Flanders 1915-1919.
DINNING (Capt. Hector)
Nile to Aleppo: With the Light Horse in the Middle East.
DINNING (Hector)
By-ways on Service: Notes from an Australian Journal.
History of the Volunteer Movement in Cheshire 1914-1920.
DIVER (Maud)
The Judgment of the Sword: The Tale of the Kabul Tragedy, & of the Part Played Therein by Major Eldred Pottinger, The Hero of Herat.
DIXON (Agnes M.)
The Canteeners.
DIXON (Alec)
Tinned Soldier: A Personal Record, 1919-1926.
DIXON (Jess) Ed.
Little Grey Partridge: The First World War Diary of Ishobel Ross who served with the Scottish Women's Hospitals Unit in Serbia.
DOBSON (Lt.-Col. B.P., TD, late Cmdg. 53rd E. Lancs. RFA)
History of the Bolton Artillery 1860-1928.
DODWELL (Edward) & MILES (James Samuel) Comp. & Eds.
Alphabetical List of Officers of the Indian Army; With The Dates of their Respective Promotion, Retirement, Resignation, or Death, whether in India or in Europe; from the Year 1760, to the Year 1834 Inclusive. Corrected to September 30, 1837.
DOHERTY (Richard)
The Sons of Ulster: Ulstermen at War from the Somme to Korea.
The Indian Corps on the Western Front: A Handbook & Battlefield Guide.
The Indian Corps on the Western Front: A Handbook & Battlefield Guide.
DOLBEY (Capt. R.V.)
Sketches of the East Africa Campaign.
DONALDSON (Capt. J.W.E.) & BECKE (Capt. A.F.)
British Military Administration in the Far East 1943-46.
In Memoriam: A Bibliography of Personal Memorial Volumes of the Great War, 1914-1918.
The 48th Divisional Signal Company in the Great War.
DOUGLAS (Capt. J. Harvey)
Captured: Sixteen Months As A Prisoner of War.
DOUIE (Charles)
The Weary Road: Recollections of a Subaltern of infantry.
DOUIE (Charles)
The Weary Road: Recollections of a Subaltern of infantry.
DOUIE (Charles)
The Weary Road: Recollections of a Subaltern of infantry.
DOULTON (Lt.-Col. A.J.F., OBE)
The Fighting Cock: Being the History of the 23rd Indian Division 1942-1947.
DOWNING (W.H., [MM], late AIF)
To The Last Ridge.
Downside & the War 1914-1919.
DOWSON (Roger J.)
Manchester Scottish: The Story of the Manchester Contingent of the 15th Battalion, Royal Scots 1914-1918. Witha Record of manchester & Salford Men Who Served in the Regiment.
Memorials of Old Boys & Masters of the Dragon School, Oxford, Who Fell in the Great War.
Memorials of Old Boys of the Dragon School, Oxford, Who Gave Their Lives in the War of 1939-1945.
With The Royal Garhwal Rifles in The Great War from August 1914 to November 1917.
DREW (Lt. H.T.B.) Ed.
The War Effort of New Zealand: A Popular History of (a) Minor Campaigns in which New Zealanders took part (b) Services not fully dealt with in the Campaign Volumes (c) The Work at the Bases.
DU CANE (Brig.-Gen. J.P., CB)
The Campaign in Alsace, August, 1870.
DUGDALE (Capt. Geoffrey, MC)
"Langemarck" & "Cambrai" - A War Narrative 1914-1918.
DUGDALE (Capt. Geoffrey, MC)
"Langemarck" & "Cambrai" - A War Narrative 1914-1918.
DUKE (George)
The Life of Major-General Worge, Colonel of the 86th Regiment of Foot, & Governor of Senegal, in Africa. With an Account of the Settlements of Senegal & Goree.
They Shall Not Grow Old: Irish Soldiers & the Great War.
DUNN (Chief Petter Officer, Gunlayer, F.H. "Ginger")
Personal daily 'log' maintained aboard HMS Exmouth from July 1914-31st August 1917, plus notes of service after that date.
DUNN (Lt. E.A.)
Three Anzacs in the War.
DUNTON (James G.)
A Maid & A Million Men: The Candid Confessions of Leona Canwick, Censored Indiscreetky by James G. Dunton.
DURELL (Rev. J.C.V., BD)
Whizzbangs & Woodbines: Tales of Work & Play on the Western Front.
DURNFORD (Lt.-Col. E.)
A Soldier's Life & Work in South Africa, 1872-1879. A Memoir of the Late Colonel A.W. Durnford, Royal Engineers.
David & Goliath: The First War of Independence 1880-1881.
DYSON (Lieut. Will, Official Artist, A.I.F.)
Australia at War: A Winter Record made by Will Dyson on The Somme & at Ypres During the Campaigns of 1916 & 1917.

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