Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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A to Z By Author Starting with J 41 Books

JACKSON (Lt.-Col. Basil)
Notes & Reminiscences of a Staff Officer, Chiefly Relating to the Waterloo Campaign & to St. Helena Matters during the Captivity of Napoleon.
JACKSON (Lt.-Col. Donovan, OBE)
The Territorials of Surrey 1908-1958.
JACKSON (Lt.-Col. H.M., MBE, ED)
The 127th Battalion C.E.F., 2nd Battalion Canadian Railway Troops.
JACKSON (Murray Cosby, Late Sgt., 7th M.I.)
A Soldier's Diary: South Africa 1899-1901.
JACKSON (Sir Frederick, KCMG, CB)
Early Days in East Africa.
JACOBS (Josephine Grider)
Marse John Goes to War.
JACOBSEN (Dr. Mark) Ed.
Rawlinson in India.
JAGER (Harold)
The Rise & Ascent of Number Two Platoon "A" Company, 17th Battalion, Cheshire Regiment (Home Guard).
JAMES (Lt.-Col. F.H., OBE, MC)
History of the 1st Battalion 6th Rajputana Rifles (Wellesley's).
JAMES (Lt.-Col. F.H., OBE, MC)
History of the 1st Battalion 6th Rajputana Rifles (Wellesley's).
JAMES (Robert Rhodes)
JANE (Fred T.)
The World's Warships. 1917.
JEANS (Fleet Surgeon T.T., RN)
A Naval Venture: The War Story of an Armoured Cruiser.
JEFFERY (Jeffery E.) [Pseud. of MARSTON (Jeffery Eardly)]
Servants of the Guns.
JEFFERY (Jeffery E.) [Pseud. of MARSTON (Jeffery Eardly)]
Servants of the Guns.
JEFFERY (Keith) Ed.
The Military Correspondence of Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson 1918-1922.
JEFFREYS (Alan) & ROSE (Patrick) Eds.
The Indian Army, 1939-47: Experience & Development.
JERROLD (Douglas)
The Hawke Battalion: Some Personal Records of Four Years, 1914-1918.
JERROLD (Douglas)
The Royal Naval Division.
JERVIS-WHITE (Capt. Jervis, MP, RA)
Our Engines of War & How We Got to Make Them.
The Sword of Deborah: First-Hand Impressions of the British Women's Army in France.
JOBSON (Allan, 72109 Pte., RAMC)
Via Ypres: Story of the 39th Divisional Field Ambulance.
JOFFRE (Marshal)
Memoirs of Marshal Joffre.
Four Infantrymen on the Western Front 1918.
JOHNSTON (Capt. M.A.B., RGA) & KEARSLEY (Capt. K.D., RE)
450 Miles to Freedom.
JOHNSTON (Lt.-Col. Harrison, DSO)
Extracts from An Officer's Diary 1914-18: Being the Story of the 15th & 16th Service Battalions The Cheshire Regiment (Originally Bantams).
The History of the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) 26th & 90th. Vol. I: 1689-1910.
JOHNSTON (Stanley R.)
Memories of World War One 1914-1918.
JOINER (Col. J.H.)
One More River to Cross: The Story of British Military Bridging.
King of Air Fighters: Biography of Major "Mick" Mannock, VC, DSO, MC.
The War in the Air: Being the Story of the Part Played in the Great War by The Royal Air Force. Vol. II.
Over the Balkans & South Russia: Being the History of No. 47 Squadron Royal Air Force.
JONES (Huw M.)
The Boiling Cauldron: Utrecht District & The Anglo-Zulu War, 1979.
History of the South Staffordshire Regiment (1705-1923).
JOSLEN (Lt.-Col. H.F.)
Orders of Battle: United Kingdom & Colonial Formations & Units in the Second World War.
JOSLING (Harold)
The Autobiography of a Military Great Coat: Being a Story of The 1st Norfolk Volunteer Active Service Company 1900-1.
Ranging Memories.
Ranging Memories.
JOURDAIN (Lt.-Col. H.F.N., CMG) & FRASER (Edward)
The Connaught Rangers.
JUNGER (Ernst)
Copse 125: A Chronicle from the Trench Warfare of 1918.
Round the World With the P.B.I.

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