Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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A to Z By Author Starting with L 59 Books

L.F.R. [i.e. ROBINSON (Lt. Lionel F., RN)]
Naval Guns in Flanders 1914-1915.
L.F.R. [i.e. ROBINSON (Lt. Lionel F., RN)]
Naval Guns in Flanders 1914-1915.
LaBRANCHE (Cpl. Ernest E., Battery E, 102nd Field Artillery)
An American Battery in France.
LAIRD (Frank M., BA, TCD, late Royal Dublin Fusiliers)
Personal Experiences of the Great War (An Unfinished Manuscript)
LAIRD (Trooper Donald Harry, 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles)
Prisoner Five-One-Eleven.
LAMBERT (Arthur)
Over The Top: A P.B.I. in the H.A.C.
LAMOTHE (Ronald M.)
Slaves of Fortune: Sudanese Soldiers & The River War 1896-1898.
Soldier of Quebec (1916-1919).
LATHAM (Bryan, MM)
A Territorial Soldier's War.
LAURIE (Lt.-Col. G.B.)
History of the Royal Irish Rifles.
LAW (W.C.) Ed.
Chinthe: 435 Squadron Royal Canadian Air Force, Burma, India '44 '45.
Secret Despatches from Arabia.
LAWSON (Harry Sackville)
Letters of a Headmaster Soldier.
A Cameronian Officer: Being a Memoir of Lieutenant James Burnett Lawson, Second Cameronians (Scottish Rifles).
Historic Trentham 1914-1917: The Story of the New Zealnd Military Training Camp, & Some Account of the Daily Round of the Troops Within its Bounds.
LECKIE (Lt.-Col. V.C., DSO)
A Centaur Looks Back.
LEE (Janet)
War Girls: The First Aid Nursing Yeomanry in The First World War.
Leeds in the Great War 1914-1918 A Book of Remembrance.
LEES (F.) Trans.
War Notes: The Diary of Colonel de Villebois-Mareuil from November 24, 1899, to April 4, 1900.
The Punjab & The War.
The Happy Padre: Letters of the Rev. S.F. Leighton Green, M.C., C.F., From France & Flanders 1916-1919.
LENG (Wm. St. W., MA, LL.B.)
S.S.A. 10. Notes On The Work of a British Volunteer Ambulance Convoy with the 2nd French Army (of Verdun).
My Reminiscences of East Africa.
LEVINGE (Sir Richard G.A., Bart.)
Historical Records of the Forty-Third Regiment, Monmouthshire Light Infantry, with A Roll of Officers & Their Services from the Period of Embodiment to the Close of 1867.
LEVY (Stanley J.)
Memories of the 71st & 83rd Companies, R.A.S.C., M.T., 1914-1918.
The Disciplines of War: Memories of the War of 1914-18.
LEWIS (Lt. T., MM)
Over the Top with the 25th: Chronicle of Events at Vimy Ridge & Courcelette.
LEWIS (Midd E.) Ed.
Tanganyika Notes & Records. No. 13, June 1942-No. 18, December 1944.
LEWIS (Wyndham)
Blasting & Bombardiering.
LEWIS (Wyndham)
Blasting & Bombardiering.
The Tanks: The History of the Royal Tank Regiment & its predecessors, Heavy Branch Machine Gun Corps, Tank Corps & Royal Tank Corps 1914-1945.
LIMERICK (Angela) Ed.
Edmund Colquhoun Pery, 5th Earl of Limerick, GBE, CH, KCB, DSO, TD, 16th October 1888-4th August 1967.
So Few Got Through: The Personal Diary of Lieut.-Col. Martin Lindsay, DSO, MP, who served with the Gordon Highlander in the 51st Highland Division from July, 1944, to May, 1945.
My Seventy-Five: Journal of a French Gunner (August-September 1914).
LIPSCOMBE (Mechanist Sergt-Major G., RASC)
The Peregrinations of the 34th Divisional (M.T.) Coy. (179 Coy. R.A.S.C.) During The Great War of 1914-1919.
Attack: An Infantry Subaltern's Impressions of July 1st 1916.
LLOYD (Brig.-Gen. F., CB, DSO) & RUSSELL (Bt. Major Hon. A.)
First or Grenadier Guards: Records of 2nd & 3rd Battalions in South Africa, 1899-1902.
A Trooper in the Tins: Autobiography of a Lifeguardsman.
A Trooper in the Tins: Autobiography of a Lifeguardsman.
The Blazing Trail of Flanders.
K.A.R. Being an Unofficial Account of the Origin & Activities of The King's African Rifles.
Palestine Days & Nights: Sketches of the Campaign in the Holy Land.
LOCKYER (Capt. Hughes C[ampbell], CB, RN)
Gallipoli, Cape Helles, April, 1915. The Tragedy of "The Battle of the Beaches" Together with the proceedings of H.M.S. "Implacable." Including the Landings on X. & W. Beaches.
LODGE (Sir Oliver)
Christopher, A Study in Human Personality.
LONG (P.W., MM, Flight Sgt. RAF)
Other Ranks of Kut.
LONG (P.W., MM, Flight Sgt. RAF)
Other Ranks of Kut.
LOW (Lt.-Col. Gavin) & EVERETT (Col. H.M., ERD, DL)
The History of the Royal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers (Militia) Vol. II 1908-1967.
LOWE (Lt.-Col. W.D., DSO, MC)
War History of the 18th (S) Bn. Durham Light Infantry.
LOWE (Lt.-Col. W.D., DSO, MC)
War History of the 18th (S) Bn. Durham Light Infantry.
Unknown Warriors: Extracts from the Letters of K.E. Luard, RRC, Nursing Sister in France 1914-1918.
LUMLEY (Capt. L.R.)
History of the Eleventh Hussars (Prince Albert's Own) 1908-1934.
LUNT (James)
A Hell of a Licking: The Retreat from Burma 1941-42.
LUNT (Maj.-Gen. James)
Jai Sixth! The Story of the 6th Queen Elizabeth's Own Gurkha Rifles 1817-1994.
LUXFORD (Major J.H.)
With the Machine Gunners in France & Palestine: The Official History of the New Zealand Machine Gun Corps in the Great World War 1914-1918.
LUXFORD (Major J.H.)
With the Machine Gunners in France & Palestine: The Official History of the New Zealand Machine Gun Corps in the Great World War 1914-1918.
LYALL GRANT (Maj.-Gen. Ian, MC) & TAMAYAMA (Kazuo)
Burma 1942: The Japanese Invasion. Both Sides tell the Story of a Savage Jungle War.
British War Missions to the United States 1914-1918.
LYNCH (John William, MM)
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 1917-19.
LYTTON (The Earl of)
The Desert & the Green.

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