Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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A to Z By Author Starting with O 30 Books

Return of the Brute.
Return of the Brute.
O'RIORDAN (Conal) et al.
A Martial Medley: Fact & Fiction.
O'RIORDAN (Conal) et al.
A Martial Medley: Fact & Fiction.
O'SULLIVAN (Mrs. D.) Ed.
Harry Butters R.F.A., An American Citizen, Life & War Letters: The Brief Record of a California Boy Who Gave His Life for England.
OATES (Lt.-Col. W.C., DSO)
The Sherwood Foresters in the Great War 1914-1918: The 2/8th Battalion.
OATTS (Lt.Col. L.B.)
Proud Heritage: The Story of the Highland Light Infantry. Volume II: The 74th Highlanders 1787-1882.
OATTS (Lt.Col. L.B.)
Proud Heritage: The Story of the Highland Light Infantry. Volume I: The 71st H.L.I. 1777-1881.
OATTS (Lt.-Col. L.B.)
Proud Heritage: The Story of the Highland Light Infantry. Volume III: 1882-1918.
OATTS (Lt.-Col. L.B.)
Proud Heritage: The Story of the Highland Light Infantry. Vol. III: 1882-1918.
Official Copy.
The Army Act. 1904.
Official Copy.
The Army Act. Revised to 1918.
Official Copy.
The Army Act. Revised to 1913.
Official Copy.
The Army Act. Revised to 1919.
Official Copy.
The Army Act. Revised to 1911.
Official Copy.
The Army Act. Revised to 1906.
Official Copy.
The Army Act. Revised to 1907.
Official Copy.
The Army Act. Revised to 1908.
Official Copy.
The Army Act. Revised to 1909.
Column & Line in the Peninsular War.
OMAN (Carola)
Sir John Moore.
The Fishing Village & Other Writings (Literary & Scientific).
OMISSI (David)
The Sepoy & the Raj: The Indian Army, 1860-1940.
ONIONS (Maude)]
A Woman at War: Being experiences of an Army Signaller in France 1917-1919.
The New Elizabethans: A First Selection of the Lives of Young Men who have Fallen in the Great War.
OSMAN (Lt.-Col. A.H.), OSMAN (Maj. W.H.) & OSMAN (Colin)
A 'Racing Pigeon' Double Volume containing Pigeons in the Great War, Pigeons in WW II & Postscript: Dickin Medal Winners.
OSWALD (Brig. Gen. O.C. Williamson, CB, CMG, late RA, &c.)
61, How Some Wheels Went Round.
OVENDEN (Trooper E.H.)
Kent Yeomanry Campaigners: Being the Pwrsonal Narrative of an East Kent Yeoman who served with the 10th (Kent Yeomanry) Battn. The Buffs in Egypt, Palestine, France, & Belgium, 1917-19.
OWEN (H. Collinson)
Salonica & After: The Sideshow that Ended the War.
Oxford University Roll of Service.

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