Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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Africa The scramble for Africa and British colonial campaigns including the Boer War, East and West Africa, Egypt and the Sudan   72 Books
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Wyld's Military Sketch Map (aka Military Staff Map) of Zulu Land, Transvaal, & The Adjoining Territories. Fldg. coloured map, 53x73 cm approx., printed on paper, cut into 20 compartments & laid down on linen, retained in orig. publisher's cloth with paper label to front, short catalogue of other atlases & maps available from the publisher to inside cover & top fold. James Wyld, Geographer to the Queen. 1879  #62141
[HLMainPic] Superbly detailed map with hand-coloured detail, approx. 10 miles to 1 inch, principally Zulu Land & the Transvaal, together with portions of the OFS, Natal & Portuguese possessions in East Africa. All important townships & geographical features clearly shown, as also state boundaries &c., in addition to which are shown "Position of the British Advancing Columns, Jan. 11th 1879" i.e. the Right Column under Col. Pearson; the Right Centre Column (Col. Durnford); the Left Centre Column (Col. Glyn) & Headquarters of Left Column (Col. Wood) near Utrecht, the location of Roeke's Drift & the Battle of Isandlwana, 22nd Jan. 1879, &c. The publisher was the premier cartographer in London at the time. Attractive map in excellent clean condition, VG throughout. See illustrations on our website.   £600
The Mission Field. A Monthly Record of the Proceedings of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel At Home & Abroad. Vol. XLV. 1900. 1st Ed., [ii]+480pp., 143 illus. & maps. Bell & Sons. 1900  #64315
[HLMainPic] Impressions & reports from English missionaries in various stations. This issue, contemp. to the Boer War, includes various matter re that conflict, e.g., 'Kimberley During the Siege' by Rev. G. Mitchell; also news from the Legation at Peking & an article on 'Rorke's Drift & The Boers' by Archdeacon Johnson, of St. Augustine's Mission, Zululand, who describes the Boer occupation in 1899, problems of food shortages, &c., with a distant view of Rorke's Drift as illustration. See illustratiuons on our website.   £85
German East Africa. Kissaki. E5. 1:300,000. Fldg. canvas-backed map, 85x71cm, produced by GSGS/Ordnance Survey, based on the German standard map, 1916.  #45071
[HLMainPic] This sheet shows the region west of Mohoro & SW of Dar-es-Salam. As well as names of towns, hill ranges &c., conditions such as 'open steppe,' 'grass savanah', 'water hole' &c. are detailed. VG. See illustration on our website.   £120
Bacon's New Large Scale Map of South Africa. Showing all the Latest Discoveries, New Boundaries, Ralways, Roads, &c. &c. Fldg. coloured map, 68x50 cm approx., printed on paper, laid down on linen, retained in orig. publisher's cloth with paper label to front. G.W. Bacon & Co. nd (c.1890).  #62149
[HLMainPic] Detailed map from the Cape north to Mozambique (on the east coast) with inset of Cape Town & Environs. Approx. 70 miles per inch, showing, inter al, state borders & spheres of influence of the British, Germans & Portuguese, & within these the regions controlled by the British South Africa Company, the British African Lakes Co., &c. Ink inscrip. to front panel of "W. Bailey" (i.e., William Bailey, 1867-1942; commissioned 11th Hussars 1888; retired 1908 as Major but served with Welsh Horse 1914-18. Pre-1914 services included NWF 1897 & Egypt 1898-1902.) & the inside cover is inscribed: "W. Bailey. Route of Sir H. Loch's Escort in Bechuanaland E Troop XI Hussars Capt C.E. Coote, Lieuts. B. Combe, E. Harrison, W Bailey. Doctor Hennessy M.S." & the route of this party from Cape Town via various states & back to Port Elizabeth then on to Durban - a march of several thousand miles undertaken between September 12th-December 12th 1890 - is neatly delineated in ink on the face of the map together with the locations of Halts on both the upward & return journey. Note: Sir Henry Brougham Loch, 1st Baron Loch, 1827-1900, soldier & colonial administrator, was High Commissioner for South Africa, 1889-1895 during a period of political upheaval in the country during which the Boers were actively working to frustrate Cecil Rhodes' plans to occupy Swaziland, Mashonaland & Zululand. He is credited with good, balanced judgment in these affairs, although a supporter of Rhodes. Doubtless the tour he undertook in the autumn of 1890, with the 11th Hussars escort to which Bailey belonged, was part of his mission, i.e. to understand the nature of affairs on the ground throughout his domain. Interesting map in VG state throughout. See illustrations on our website.   £275
Report of His Majesty's Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Military Preparations & Other Matters connected with the War in South Africa. [Bound with:] Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commission (Volume I). [Together with:] Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commission (Volume II). [Together with:] Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence Taken before the Royal Commission on the War in South Africa. 1st Eds., foolscap, viii+316, xii+534, x+720 & [ii]+445pp. HMSO. 1903  #64063
[HLMainPic] Key cornerstone work on Boer War organisation & operations 1899-1900, complete in 4 Vols.: "The report of the Elgin Commission appointed to inquire into the military preparations for the war in South Africa, & into the supply of men, ammunition, equipment & transport by sea & land in connection with the campaign, & into the military operations up to the occupation of Pretoria... The volume is fully indexed." - Hackett p.8. 1000 copies printed & surprisingly scarce for that. Two Vols. (Report & 2 Vols. of Minutes of Evidence) bound in contemp. official ledgers; the final part, Appendices... in orig. chipped blue paper wraps. Overall VG, scarce complete set. See illustrations on our website.   £500
Precis of Information Concerning Somaliland. 1902. Part I. Provisional Issue. Compiled by the Intelligence Division, War Office. 1st Ed thus., vi+160pp., fldg. table (of seasons). Printed for HMSO by Harrison & Sons. 1903  #64164
[HLMainPic] Part I (here offered) contains "Description of the Country Generally" while Part II contained "Road & River Reports." This part includes: Geography of the interior & coast ("Detailed Description - Harbours & Ports" of British, French & Italian Somaliland); Towns & Villages; Communications; Climate & Health; Trade & Products; Inhabitants; History (including the Egyptian Occupation... Abyssinians in Somaliland... The Mullah... Expeditions in 1901...&c); Dockyards & Naval Establishments; Fortifications & Barracks; Land Forces; Strategy & Tactics (Fighting Qualities of the Somalis, &c.). Plus several appendices. Orig. brown printed wraps., chipped & worn, generally sound & rare (150 copies printed). See illustration on our website.   £350
The C.I.V. & the War in South Africa, 1900: The City Press Illustrated Souvenir of the City of London Imperial Volunteers. [Number One]. 1st Ed., orig. dec. wraps., [48]pp., photos. throughout. The City Press. Contemp.  #60387
Letterpress account of the raising of the regiment, various rolls & hundreds of portraits & group photos. Orig. brown dec. wraps., VG. See illustrations on our website.   £120
The C.I.V. & the War in South Africa, 1900: The City Press Illustrated Souvenir of the City of London Imperial Volunteers. [Number Two]. 1st Ed., orig. dec. wraps., [48]pp., photos. throughout. The City Press. Contemp.  #60250
[HLMainPic] A further selection of portraits, photos., nominal rolls &c. Somewhat worn, about VG, See illustrations on our website.   £120
East Africa Protecorate. Kericho. (Provisional) Sheet South A36/F. 1:250,000. Fldg. canvas-backed map, 64x64cm approx., produced by GSGS/Ordnance Survey, 1916.  #51001
[HLMainPic] Area of Kericho, in BEA (later Kenya), in the Lumbwa country, also showing the Mau Escarpment & part of the Uganda Railway from 16 miles east of Kisumu,, via Fort Ternan & Lumbwa Station, &c., to Clutterbuck's Crossing. VG. See illustration on our website.   £85
German East Africa. Turu. C4. 1:300,000. Fldg. canvas-backed map, 85x71cm, produced by GSGS/Ordnance Survey, based on the German standard map, 1915.  #68363
[HLMainPic] This sheet shows part of the central region. As well as names of towns, hill ranges &c., conditions such as 'open steppe,' 'grass savanah', 'water hole' &c. are detailed. VG. See illustration on our website.   £125

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