Turner Donovan Military Books - The world’s finest selection of rare and out-of-print books on British military history from 1800 to 1945
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Second World War Second World War, Including regimental and divisional histories, personal accounts, general histories and works of reference   194 Books
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The Polar Bear News: Weekly Publication of Forty-Ninth (West Riding) Infantry Division. Two issues: No. 3 (New Series), Neheim, Friday, November 2, 1945; No. 8 (New Series), Neheim, Friday, December 7, 1945, each 8pp. (but the second listed is incomplete), 35x25cm, several photos. & cartoons in each edition. Produced in the Germany. Contemp.  #63951
[HLMainPic] Weekly newsheets printed in Germany containing, inter al, items of divisional news, events, past operations & personalities, for example No. 3 includes a demonstration of V2 rockets at Duxhaven, news of the disbandment of 89 LAA Regt., the Campaign Story of the 2nd Essex: a substantial centre spread recounting the battalion's services in NW Europe 1944-45 with 50th & 49th Divs., inc. roll of awards. Issue no. 8 lacks internal pages. See illustration on our website.   £65
Supplement to The London Gazette of Tuesday, 27th January, 1948. Published by Authority, Thursday, 29 January 1948: Operations in Hong Kong from 8th to 25th December, 1941. 1st Ed., 28pp., foolscap format. HMSO. 1948  #67729
[HLMainPic] Despatch of Maj.-Gen. Maltby, late GOC in China, describing the military operations of the Japanese invasion & subsequent fall of Hong Kong in great detail, plus tabulated Summary of Approximate Casualties. VG ex-Foreign Office Lib., bound for the library in paper covd. boards with green cloth backstrip with typed title label to front. VG thus. See illustrations on our website.   £30
Record of The Birmingham City Transport Home Guard, May, 1940-December, 1944. 1st Ed., orig. dec. card wraps., oblong 4to, 60pp., portraits &c. throughout. Printed by Buckler & Webb Ltd., Birmingham. 1944  #64081
[HLMainPic] Very scarce & fully illustrated record: short history of the units + complete nominal roll (HQ & the various companies). Orig. dec. card wraps., VG. See illustration on our website.   £60
D. (Luft) T. 5212. 3 m-Rettungsschlauchboot Dl 410203. Gerate-Handbuch (Stand August 1943) [Bound with:] Wehrmacht Kriegs-Kurbestimmungen (2B. Kr. K.B.). Item 1: 43pp., 42 photos. & diagrams. Berlin: The Reichminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehishaber der Luftwaffe. 21 September 1943. Item 2: 43pp. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Berlin, 24 Juli 1942.  #67590
[HLMainPic] The official manual for use of a survival dinghy, an inflatable rubber boat, provided a sail & other equipment, for airmen of the Luftwaffe shot down or otherwise ditched at sea, including numerous photos. & diagrams. Doubtless a rare survival, packed with interesting detail & bound with another official German manual: Wehrmacht Kriegs-kursbestimmungen, i.e, Wehrmacht War Course Regulations, 1942 Edition, this with contemp, ink stamp of a German unit. Two items bound together in later (c.1950s) red cloth with armorial bookplate of Mark Dineley: Note: Dineley was an enigmatic character who was very interested in military technicalities. When I bought this item from his family they told me that he had been an SOE agent. This may or may not be true but what is known is that he was born in 1901 in London; he established Bapty & Co. in 1919, which has since become one of Europe's most prominent armorers for film & television. He also established an importing company, Dineley & Dowding Ltd., which supplied arms to the British Army. Around 1932, Dineley designed a submachine gun & submitted it for testing by the Small Arms committee; the weapon was ultimately rejected. In his spare time Dineley was an art connoisseur who amassed a collection of Chinese, Tibetan & Nepalese Buddhist art. He died in 1975 in Wiltshire. See illustrations on our website.   £75
"It Can Now Be Revealed" More About British Railways in Peace & War. 1st Ed., orig. dec. wraps., 64pp., photos. throughout. Issued by The British Railways Press Office. 1945  #63974
[HLMainPic] Contains "a more detailed picture" than hitherto of how the various British railway companies "not only carried the workers & raw materials for the construction firstly of war factories & then of the equipment produced in them, but how they actually designed, built & repaired armaments that played no mean part in the Battle of Britain, the North African campaign & in the invasion of Europe. Now too can be revealed their part in sustaining the bomber offensive..." Very nicely illustrated & an excellent, clean copy, VG. See illustrations on our website.   £15
Basic Notes. Central Signal Corps Replacement Training Center, Camp Crowder, Missouri. [iv]+132pp., sketches & diagrams throughout. This edition revised June 1, 1943, Prepared & Reproduced by the Training Standards & Control Branch of the Training Division, CSCRTC, Camp Crowder, Mo. 1943  #67613
[HLMainPic] A book issued to all new recruits arriving at Camp Crowder for their specialist signal training as well as their basic training, so as well as explaining the specialist training that the recruit will receive the work also outlines the nature of the 'battle conditioning' & other training to be expected, as well as aspects of active service that the recruit may face in due course. Much on various arms of the service, first aid, &c. There are various "Q&A" sections which the recruit was expected to complete. This example was issued to ASN 42116965 Pvt. James M. Boerst, who was allotted to A Co., 26th Bn. Pvt. Boerst has dutifully completed just about all of the questionnaires within. Orig. dec. wraps., somewhat chipped/worn, sound & complete & a rather interesting record of the US Army's approach to individual training. See illustrations on our website.   £35
Yugoslavia & The Partisan Movement. 1st Ed., orig. dec. wraps., 24pp., portrait frontis. (Tito), map. Printed by P&SS, CMF. 1944  #67614
[HLMainPic] A concise account produced for AFHQ [Allied Force HQ] in the MEF in 1944: "This pamphlet is intended to be an outline of the story of Yugoslavia & its peoples with particular reference to the struggle for liberation from Nazi Germany." Little creased, VG & rather a scarce survival. See illustration on our website.   £35
Norway No. 1 (1941). Secret German Documents seized during the Raid on the Lofoten Islands on the 4th March, 1941, embodying instructions to the Army on the control of the Press & on collaboration with the Gestapo in dealing with Norwegian nationals. Presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to Parliament by Command of His Majesty. corrected reprint, orig. printed wraps., 28pp. HMSO (printed by the Foreign Office Press). July 1941  #67119
[HLMainPic] Interesting secret documents obtained during no. 3 Commando's Lofoten Raid. 1250 copies printed of this 'corrected' edition. Orig. printed wraps., VG. See illustration on our website.   £45
"Press" Diary of Island Life during the German Occupation 1940-1945. 1st Ed., orig. printed wraps., 44pp. Press [i.e., The Guernsey Evening Press]. nd (c.1945)  #67617
[HLMainPic] The local newspapers diary of events from June 1940-May 1945, the entire period of Guernsey's occupation by the Nazis. Quite scarce, just two copies of JISC (formerly Library Hub). A very good example considering the poor quality of the wartime (or just post-war) paper stock available to the printers. See illustration on our website.   £25
The Iron Duke: The Regimental Magazine of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment (West Riding). Vols. XV-XXIII, 1939-1947. Run of 27 issues covering WW2, Vol. XV, No. 42, Feb. 1939-Vol. XXIII, No. 68, Oct. 1947, each annual Volume c.200pp., so some 1800+pp in all, with photos., sketches, &c. For the Regiment. Contemp.  #64609
[HLMainPic] Containing the customary regimental news, historical articles (inc. extracts from diaries &c. of participants in earlier campaigns), Army Lists extracts, various named group photos., obituaries, &c. These wartime issues also containing news & reports from battalions on various Fronts overseas inc. Middle East, NW Europe & Burma, plus citations for awards & articles by officers on various operations & events. An excellent source on the regiment during the Second World War. VG throughout. All issues in orig. dec. wraps., VG. See illustration on our website.   £275

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